spent the last half of the weekend hanging out with a quiet friend a mine, who rolls joints the size of cigars and plenty of em, and playing records all night... playing dj is fun-except
now i can hardly remember my name now let alone how to read textbooks...

the other day me and jae walked downtown to pick up some cheques from the film extra stuff we did over the break, was suddenly several hundred dollars richer which is always nice. while waiting for him inside the bank this wicked hail-thunder-lightning storm started up-man, did it come down, almost from out of nowhere-everybody outside was scrambling around trying to find shelter- i couldn't wait to get outside and jae was taking forever but finally we got outside and the hail had gotten even worse which was great- it wasn't too cold or anything and so we were running around downtown, thunder clapping overhead and lightening electrifying the sky, puddles like rivers all over the sidewalks, conducting the chaotic symphony of splashes; and everyone leaping furiously like mad gazelles over them so as to not get soaked which was futile, but i guess you had to try... at one point somewhere on robson street we walked out from between all these tall buildings where the skyline opened up and was this crazy white metallic colour- i crossed the busy and frantic street amongst the myriad hail drops and almost wanted to just stand there in the middle of the intersection, it was all so surreal i felt like i had just stumbled into a dream...we so rarely get thunder lightening storms here, let alone hail too, and usuallu they only last 5 minutes but this one seemed to go on for a half hour! sweet.

then i went into cheap thrills and got my big sister
some stuff, it was her birthday an' she is comming home from Japan next week- she's been there for a year, so, i'm giddy. i got her some stickers and things for her hair like bobbles with red and orange bears on them (her nick name is bear, has been since we were wee little tikes,)
and ones with purple koala bears onthem, hairclips with these cool little fishies on em' and some funky pins...and a supercool robot sticker for myself!

Hope everyone's having a good long weekend too...now i hafta go study! allright!

thunderstorms are cool.. i like watching the black clouds roll in and all the noise and rain its relaxing.. atlanta was fun, i visited my family and found an apartment to move into downtown next to this school im gonna go to.. i really didnt want to come back, i cant wait to move, then im gonna buy a dog, but its gotta be one that'll get along with my cat but still be fun outside and ok for an apartment.. i was thinking about an american bulldog, a shar-pei, beagel, lab.. i dont know, but all i do know is im obsessed with this dog thing now
I hope studying is alright - not too difficult to go back to after that exciting weekend! My brain does the exact same thing after weed. I think it tries to shut it self down!?! Enjoy the time with you're sister.