Well, it seems Fred is Dead *sigh*
I guess i can't be too disappointed, i mean, how long are wolf spiders supposed to live for anyways? Still, i have this sneaking suspicion that one of my cats might've eaten him (i'm looking at YOU Cleo, if you are reading this!!) It was nice to have him though--a few weeks ago i was cleaning by the...
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I guess i can't be too disappointed, i mean, how long are wolf spiders supposed to live for anyways? Still, i have this sneaking suspicion that one of my cats might've eaten him (i'm looking at YOU Cleo, if you are reading this!!) It was nice to have him though--a few weeks ago i was cleaning by the...
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hello again in SuicideLand
it's been a while since my last visit here, apparently over 2 years! Without being too specific i guess you could say i've been hiding under a rock or two; it may sound retarded, but i think i stopped coming here 'cause i didn't feel i had much interesting to say. For whatever reason that bothered me at the time...Nowadays, however,...
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it's been a while since my last visit here, apparently over 2 years! Without being too specific i guess you could say i've been hiding under a rock or two; it may sound retarded, but i think i stopped coming here 'cause i didn't feel i had much interesting to say. For whatever reason that bothered me at the time...Nowadays, however,...
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Didnt know you before...but nice to see you back anyway.
I know i have little to say, but i still post all the time
I know i have little to say, but i still post all the time

i have been cutting my hair again and it is quite good! not the haircut in itself, i mean, but it is nice to have shorter hair agian. i am goona cut it again aso that it is just about the length of what it is in my pic there. it is very satisfu=ying to come outta the shower, shake the dewdrops and just cut...
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Ok you, it's time for an update. Also? Buffy. Probably this thursday night.
Again with the lovely words, thanks pug.

i love being a dishwasher...i wonder how much a lassie could make if she dedicated herself to the profession, i mean really dedicated herself...i would quite like to be the Harvey Keitel of the dishwashing profession. Really of any profession, that guy is so cool. Maybe not the cupcake profession though. or cleaning out septic tanks, that sort of work seems beneath him, but you...
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Gourd spanking, check.
Now you just need to email me some contact info and you can join myself (and probably the lovely Malloreigh) at my place when we do what we did tonight: watch a ridiculous amount of Buffy and stuff ourselves with popcorn while snuggled up in front of my enormous (clearly compensating for something) TV and sipping vodka with rasberry lemonade and lichi juice.
Or something to that effect.
Now you just need to email me some contact info and you can join myself (and probably the lovely Malloreigh) at my place when we do what we did tonight: watch a ridiculous amount of Buffy and stuff ourselves with popcorn while snuggled up in front of my enormous (clearly compensating for something) TV and sipping vodka with rasberry lemonade and lichi juice.
Or something to that effect.
You're a dishwasher?
Have you ever read or listened to Dishwasher Pete? His This American Life segments are excellent.
Have you ever read or listened to Dishwasher Pete? His This American Life segments are excellent.
i am afraid of the concept of a universe where an absence of matter in all entirity is the paralactic amnesty od
i am now watching jon stewat. i am recording my thoughts... do i amaze you?
i am now watching jon stewat. i am recording my thoughts... do i amaze you?
please don't encourage her
You're fabulous.
And don't wait until you're old to get dirty, you'll be upset at how many opportunities you missed to excersice your right to obnoxiousness.
I think you should come out to play soon.
Or at least watch some Buffy with me.
You're fabulous.
And don't wait until you're old to get dirty, you'll be upset at how many opportunities you missed to excersice your right to obnoxiousness.
I think you should come out to play soon.
Or at least watch some Buffy with me.
okay, is it just me, or is the heartachingly sappharine eyes of Fiona Apple staring at me, beyond the grave of pop-star idiosynchricles of like, eight freaking years ago, on the cover of this week's West Ender, for Cripe's sake, as i am sitting on the can no doubt, just making you understand the whole maniacal ecstatification that is, undubitably, concommitant with the whole peeing...
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ps- no, not just you
I love to hate her and hate to love her- one of those- I'm attracted to you but I'm jealous of you- icky inner-conflicty things...
Getting to the bottom of beauty, let's all just piss on it!
if only we really could
I love to hate her and hate to love her- one of those- I'm attracted to you but I'm jealous of you- icky inner-conflicty things...
Getting to the bottom of beauty, let's all just piss on it!

if only we really could

Vancouver meet and Greet Event @ Jupiter Lounge!
Please leave a comment or message in my journal, that you are coming to the event!
Please leave a comment or message in my journal, that you are coming to the event!

right, so, okay! i have made it back to my journal page within a month of my last time here! pug is making progress. No really, you have no idea how much r-tarded i am at anything that has to do with actual stuff. wait, no, i mean, social, fuck? anyways, i hope everyone had a super ne w years and junk, i actually went...
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Hi, I was just wondering why you wanted into SGBC?!
I love that your cats name is Mogwai - good band, and probably a good cat.
3 months people i know iknow what possible excuse could possibly prove veritable (er, valid, maybe!? sometimes i get a bit too vocab-happy and forget that i dont always remember wat certain words mean) for not looking at naked ladies on the internet for such a long while. i mean, sure, yeah, ive seen myself naked in the shower and stuff during this timescape, and...
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You're so lucky!
Ian McKellan is one of my faves! I wanna be in X-Men!
So, I can't feel sorry for you about the drool. It's worth it to be in that location, if only for the X-Men experience! So, wipe off the drool, go inside, put your face in your kitty
, and revel in your awesome experience! I've done some extra work around here, but nothing that cool! I studied music with dancing and acting on the side. I play keys and guitar too.
What's your major?
Glad to see you back! Hug to Pug!

So, I can't feel sorry for you about the drool. It's worth it to be in that location, if only for the X-Men experience! So, wipe off the drool, go inside, put your face in your kitty

Glad to see you back! Hug to Pug!

Man, everywhere I went in Van for a few months that frickin movie was blocking up streets and once I even went to find the belkin art gallery for a class trip to ubc and they had changed to maps from ubc to some washington map, I mean really why would you need to do that, don't get me wrong I like the x-men movies. But that's cool you got to do that.
i am such a little snob i can't believe it. i saw myself at the bus stop earlier today and was all like, "hello there, pug, fancy meeting you here and all, how's it going?" and i wa all like, nonchalant and involved in reading some shop sign or something, like, right to my face, totally ignoring myself. so i's all like, dude, whatever blows...
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hey pug! last minute i know, but would you be interested in being an extra tomorrow for a VFS production. it is a student film so there is no pay, but the film is intended to go to numerous festivals. if interested we are filming at Brother's bar at 1 Water St. and any help after 3 would be appreciated. bring some friends and drink on camera to stage "New Years" socialization. thank you.
Hey you, there's a little get together tonight at the Morrissey on Granville if you're interested.
Morrissey - 9:30pm
Rin is back in town for the night
Morrissey - 9:30pm
Rin is back in town for the night
er, alright, i suppose i may have been a tad melodramatic last i was here...
i'm back to thinking crushes are sorta nice, i guess, sometimes...anyways it's fun to like people. i met a very nice girl last night at my sister's place, like, easy to talk with and unpretentious and made me feel like not a maladapted sociotard, despite there being sort of alot...
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i'm back to thinking crushes are sorta nice, i guess, sometimes...anyways it's fun to like people. i met a very nice girl last night at my sister's place, like, easy to talk with and unpretentious and made me feel like not a maladapted sociotard, despite there being sort of alot...
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I love Mark Twain as well - i was working on a project in Austin a few years back and ended up picking up both Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn at the local bookshop (boring regular copies, not like yours) and they helped keep me sane while living out of a hotel room for 6 weeks.
What sort of music are you playing?
What sort of music are you playing?
TUESDAY AUGUST 16 2005 10:36 PM
dear kitties & fellow whiney anonymitaunts,
boy, it has been a long time since i have been here...again...i can't beleive hw many people have actually left messages for me from last time-it was a big surprise and made me feel a little warm n' furry on top of feeling a little bad for not answering anyone, on account of...
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dear kitties & fellow whiney anonymitaunts,
boy, it has been a long time since i have been here...again...i can't beleive hw many people have actually left messages for me from last time-it was a big surprise and made me feel a little warm n' furry on top of feeling a little bad for not answering anyone, on account of...
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whoa! You live!
no, but I am pretty sure I DID see you in front of the Shangrila display center about a month ago.
no, but I am pretty sure I DID see you in front of the Shangrila display center about a month ago.

dear kitties & fellow whiny anonymitaunts,
boy, it has been a long time since i have been here...again...i can't beleive hw many people have actually left messages for me from last time-it was a big surprise and made me feel a little warm n' furry on top of feeling a little bad for not answering anyone, on account of assuming there wern't to be any...
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boy, it has been a long time since i have been here...again...i can't beleive hw many people have actually left messages for me from last time-it was a big surprise and made me feel a little warm n' furry on top of feeling a little bad for not answering anyone, on account of assuming there wern't to be any...
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You know, for posterity. Or the children or something.