Halloween is always good to me. Not only did I get to see the Pietasters and Murphy's law, but I also went to great party where I snuggled with one Ms. Cute Katie.

The show was great though, Murphy's Law was fucking awesome. Not only did they play some of their best songs, they also covered Monster Mash. I have never heard it played that...
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Got really drunk last night. Went to The Note to go see Deals Gone Bad and The Stranger. God I love this town and all its good music. Would just be nice to find a freaking date. But hey I got my buds so I am doing okay.
Best part of the night was walking into the mexican joint drunk and running into my supervisor...
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First day off from school, tired as shit though. zThe longer I spend in school the more I realized why I left college the first time. Need to get that piece of paper though, prety much mandatory these days.
Plan on spendig my break going to lots of good shows, drinking with me buds and writing as much as possible. Gonna try and catch up...
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The multiple girl set of today is beautiful. The photographer Lithium Picnic utilized the shadows of the room incredibly well. The set looks natural and mysterious. He conveys a presence of a secret window into the room. Which Apnea only enhances with the stare of hers. Props to the girls and the photographer.
Today I attended the funeral of one of the best men I have ever had the privilidge of knowing. He was my friend when I needed one the most. I do not know what lies for us after this life, but whatever it may be I know he is happy.
Bubba Hotep has to be one of the most daring movies I have ever seen. This movie goes to a plce mainstream hollywood would never have the guts to enter.
Veiled under the guise of a goofy horror/comedy is a true heartfelt story. Bruce Campbell plays Elvis, not young Elvis or old Elvis, but rather an Elvis lost to this world. In an attempt to...
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Yesterday Lt. Brett Harmen died, he was shot and killed while tailgating at a football game. To most, this is a story on CNN, but to me it is more. I had not seen or spoken to Brett since high school. We werent even really that close after grammar school, but I will always remember him as the kid who was my friend. When the...
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Going to see Metallica tonight. It will have been 6 years since I last saw the four horsemen ride. They keep busting out old and not very often plaed songs so this should be a treat. And to any haters out there I don't care about the St. ANger album. Yes, St. Anger was a bad album, but when it comes to live shows they...
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Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross died today. Her legacy of Hospice will live on. She helped make the world we live in a better place.
The new SG is so beautiful. It love, but it's one hell of a case of lust.