so i feel i owe people an explanation as to whu i have been away so long. i will make a little list to help this out.
*three of my computers died at once
*work has been killing me - i keep getting talked to by my managers for shit i never did, once our convos are done they always so we didnt think it was true but had to check anyway but then i get yelled at 3 days in a row because i took a day off to go to the DRs. The issue was not that i took the day off it was that after i got a smoothie and my boss and district manager saw me....well i am aloud since my appointent was over AND WTF are they doing driving around town during business hours
*my best friends all back stabbed me and screw up two different relationships for me
*i have to see another ear nose throat specialist for my mineirs disease
* i can see really out of my left eye right now due to a mysterious scratch
* my ex came back into my life and somehow we are falling for each other oh yea she is married
* my friends gf dumped him started to like me then lead me on a donkey punched my heart
*another ex fucked me on our old phone and now I OWE like $700
*i havent been able to get my meds for over a month
im sure there is more but thats all i can remember right now
life sucks balls but i refuse to give up, ever
every time something bad happens i try to go do something good to counter it
but it is getting harder and harder to deal with and i am becoming angrier and angrier and i am dangerous if i lose my tempter
*three of my computers died at once
*work has been killing me - i keep getting talked to by my managers for shit i never did, once our convos are done they always so we didnt think it was true but had to check anyway but then i get yelled at 3 days in a row because i took a day off to go to the DRs. The issue was not that i took the day off it was that after i got a smoothie and my boss and district manager saw me....well i am aloud since my appointent was over AND WTF are they doing driving around town during business hours
*my best friends all back stabbed me and screw up two different relationships for me
*i have to see another ear nose throat specialist for my mineirs disease
* i can see really out of my left eye right now due to a mysterious scratch
* my ex came back into my life and somehow we are falling for each other oh yea she is married
* my friends gf dumped him started to like me then lead me on a donkey punched my heart
*another ex fucked me on our old phone and now I OWE like $700
*i havent been able to get my meds for over a month
im sure there is more but thats all i can remember right now
life sucks balls but i refuse to give up, ever
every time something bad happens i try to go do something good to counter it
but it is getting harder and harder to deal with and i am becoming angrier and angrier and i am dangerous if i lose my tempter
wow.. thats a lot! good to see you back, I'm sure things will start looking up soon!
thanks guys, i refuse to give into the negativity of it all and guess what...i won concert tickets to a local show and the lead singer of Live will be there, i called in and won on the radio...what are the odds...course then i got blown off for a date and by my friend but I'm focusing on the winning