i have had an interesting two days. Hung out with two of my teaching buddies today and yesterday. We attended the teachers convention in A.C. Found myslef becoming quite annoyed with one which surprised me,but I really did not know how many things I did that "offend" her. She just does not understand anything out of her perfect little world. We argued over whether or not a local convience store sold porn. frustrating.
my brother's girlfriend kicked him out of their house. Not sure what the complete story is,but he is afraid she will take out a restraining order against him. I am bothered by this b/c I consider her to be a friend. I will support my brother, but break ups just suck. you dont just break up with that person, you break up with their whole family.
my brother's girlfriend kicked him out of their house. Not sure what the complete story is,but he is afraid she will take out a restraining order against him. I am bothered by this b/c I consider her to be a friend. I will support my brother, but break ups just suck. you dont just break up with that person, you break up with their whole family.
As a teacher, I'm sure you're familiar with stories that "teach a lesson". This is dependent upon memory.
Say one of your students sees/reads/hears a fictional story about someone who had a bad experience with drugs. The next time the student is offered drugs, they turn them down (we hope, right!?), based solely on what they remember of the story (in reality there would likely be more factors, the situation more complex, but for the sake of argument, let's assume there exists only this one). The child's never actually experienced a bad trip, or withdrawals, or whatever, yet their mind makes associations as if they had, based on a memory of something they experienced vicariously.
How does this compare to a factual account of another's drug use?
How does it compare to the child's own, actual account?
Assuming memories could be manufactured, how important would it be that they did not "really" happen?
Spittle: I think it's kinda hot. Have you found a fav scene, yet? Btw, that dvd has some Easter eggs. Nothing amazing, but still amusing.