I just have to say that i am happy @ my new job. Hope this lasts!! It has given me so much optimism about my philosophies and what i want a my grad degree in ( i hope to be enrolled for spring semester)
i always have this thing about me and ex relationships. like i have never had a clean break with anyone. i am attending the wedding of my high school bf next month. and out of the blue an ex from this past feb emailed me. most of the time i am cool with it, but in this case i got that gnawing, gut reaction to this contact. maybe i feel differently about this one b/c i felt disrespected by him...not sure. i am in a rambling mood...
i always have this thing about me and ex relationships. like i have never had a clean break with anyone. i am attending the wedding of my high school bf next month. and out of the blue an ex from this past feb emailed me. most of the time i am cool with it, but in this case i got that gnawing, gut reaction to this contact. maybe i feel differently about this one b/c i felt disrespected by him...not sure. i am in a rambling mood...
Kissing: Apparently.
Ices: dunno what to tell you about that, love.
Thinking of IRN, I think I'll put on some Dropkick Murphys...
Later. xo