woo woo...
look at me with all my comments..
well ok 6..
but im proud..
i had an ace friday nite,despite my previous feelings, im really glad i didnt see someone.
And i saw someonelse..
.ooooo and they're coming to see me on wednesday..
so thats 1 and 2 that'll be sorted.....
Man, i havent been happy for ages.Granted i could be a whole lot happier, but im not sat here dwelling on stuff thats gna make me upset.
which i guess is a good thing
saturday nite i went to epic....
And as far as skaters go,i really didnt mind them.
They do thier thing,as long as they dont get under my feet, Things are sweet.
But having a massive warehouse full of the little shits, for like 6..
..10..11! HOURS...has really started a complex.
It was fuckin freezing, the noise of fuckin skatboards on ramps was seriously driving me up the wall,and i wasnt even spose to be there.I should have been at home, but because my friend didnt have anyone else to go with,and her dad kindly offered to drive me back the next day...
how could i resist.
So we sat there in the cold with crap music cheap cider.. for a painstaking 6 hours untill we decided to go to town and meet people from subculture,which however dull,would brighten up the evening to some extent -so i was well up for making a move.
SO we stood outsideat the fuckin freezing bus stop-*which happens to be a regular pastime, on my travles to birmingham*-for 20 mins b4 deciding to get a taxi.
I was so tired,we'd been to an all nite the nite before, and only on 3 hours sleepi was SO ready to go home.
I thought the plan was,go to subs, doss around for a bit-get a taxi-and go home.
But on the way there alex and her bloke were iffing and butting about what to do after we went to see people.
But there was NO FUCKING WAY i was goin back to Epic.
She tried her hardest to drop as many hints as possible that they wanted to go back-and for those moments-i was retarded-and somehow could't understand english
So we all moaned about the cold for a bit, and eventually thru my blatant ignorance,they decided to go to the train station and get the train back.*they being alex's b/f and his mate*
So i chilled outside Subs, and said hi to ppl.
Alex was gone for quite a while, so i started to ring her.....And ring her some more.And after like 7 or 8 times of NOT answering the fone.I was REALLY starting to get fucked off.
So i thought now was the time to leave a nice abusing answer fone message.
And on the next ring she answered.
Ooo how ironic.
Turned out their next train was in 10 mins.Which was kool.I could stand 10 mins,as long as that meant we went home afterwards.
So 10 mins had gone.Infact 20 mins had gone.By the time it was half an hour,i was back on the fone wondering where the fuck she is.She said she was by Mcdonalds, so i started to walk up.
And they hadnt gone home yet.
And im about to bounce my head of the chip shop window.
But im calm...
and im breathing..and im going to inquire why they have not departed...
"WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL HERE!"... yeah..didnt quite go to plan.
Apparnlty the train station was closed.Funny-coz their train was 10 mins ago..
Im not going back to Epic.Theres no way.
But alex reocons that the guys cant get home untill 6am and "we're not leaving them.." "and we dont have enuf money for the taxi".etc etc *so basiclly she wants us to go back*.
So after much disgruntelled-ness and aftre they've established im really NOT wanting to go back to Epic-if i can find a fiver to get home.We're going back...
So i need to scrounge like a 5er to get back to Alex's-and she doesnt think ill do it.
HA aha hahh...im the Queen of Scav.
On my return i have 4 quid and the money in my own poket easily we've got a fiver...SO we're sorted....
Wait for the excuses..
1)" but they cant get home"
2)"it be so much easier to go back to epic"
3)"the taxi will probably be about 20"
i wanna bite someones face off.
So i try to see if i can stay with some1 else.Because i cant be fucked with them anymore.
Its so past not funny.
I dont give a shit.
So theres no room in the taxi.Every options not gonna work.I am defeated
So guess where im goin....
Back to the fuckin pricks on planks.
The taxi cost 8-and i wasnt paying shit for it.
So we went back to that shit hole, full of twats,who were so past drunk and annoying,to sit for another 4 hours.
i cud cry.
Really i could.
So i sat in the toilets under the handryer to fite back hyperthermia.And wait untill 6am.
No1 was talking to me -due to my previous outburst of sandwhiching the word fuck between every possible sylabol, and daming that skate park to hell.So i hummed to myself for a while ...
We went out to the bus stop and it was 45 mins untill the next one.
i was nearly hysterical.
So we all sat in the toilets under the handryer untill then.And go the bus into town.
Which was then follwed by 3 hours sat in Mcdonalds.Before alex finally decided to ring her dad to come and pick us up.And to take me home.
See now THAT ^^ is what you get when you try to be nice.You give people that little bit- and they just piss all over you.
I dont like saying no to ppl if im already in thier debt.I never wanted to go to that fuckin skate park in the first place.But you know when you feel like your being a bitch if you dont.
From now on,i dont care.I will be a bitch.Its what im good at.
So there.
but despite all that.I still had a good weekend.
Ohh and why was that....oh wait..i pulled.
ill er, tell you how wednesday goes....
on.. thursday-i spose..
look at me with all my comments..

well ok 6..
but im proud..

i had an ace friday nite,despite my previous feelings, im really glad i didnt see someone.

And i saw someonelse..

so thats 1 and 2 that'll be sorted.....

Man, i havent been happy for ages.Granted i could be a whole lot happier, but im not sat here dwelling on stuff thats gna make me upset.
which i guess is a good thing

saturday nite i went to epic....

And as far as skaters go,i really didnt mind them.
They do thier thing,as long as they dont get under my feet, Things are sweet.
But having a massive warehouse full of the little shits, for like 6..

It was fuckin freezing, the noise of fuckin skatboards on ramps was seriously driving me up the wall,and i wasnt even spose to be there.I should have been at home, but because my friend didnt have anyone else to go with,and her dad kindly offered to drive me back the next day...

how could i resist.

So we sat there in the cold with crap music cheap cider.. for a painstaking 6 hours untill we decided to go to town and meet people from subculture,which however dull,would brighten up the evening to some extent -so i was well up for making a move.
SO we stood outsideat the fuckin freezing bus stop-*which happens to be a regular pastime, on my travles to birmingham*-for 20 mins b4 deciding to get a taxi.
I was so tired,we'd been to an all nite the nite before, and only on 3 hours sleepi was SO ready to go home.
I thought the plan was,go to subs, doss around for a bit-get a taxi-and go home.

But on the way there alex and her bloke were iffing and butting about what to do after we went to see people.
But there was NO FUCKING WAY i was goin back to Epic.

She tried her hardest to drop as many hints as possible that they wanted to go back-and for those moments-i was retarded-and somehow could't understand english

So we all moaned about the cold for a bit, and eventually thru my blatant ignorance,they decided to go to the train station and get the train back.*they being alex's b/f and his mate*
So i chilled outside Subs, and said hi to ppl.

Alex was gone for quite a while, so i started to ring her.....And ring her some more.And after like 7 or 8 times of NOT answering the fone.I was REALLY starting to get fucked off.
So i thought now was the time to leave a nice abusing answer fone message.
And on the next ring she answered.

Turned out their next train was in 10 mins.Which was kool.I could stand 10 mins,as long as that meant we went home afterwards.
So 10 mins had gone.Infact 20 mins had gone.By the time it was half an hour,i was back on the fone wondering where the fuck she is.She said she was by Mcdonalds, so i started to walk up.
And they hadnt gone home yet.

And im about to bounce my head of the chip shop window.
But im calm...

"WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY STILL HERE!"... yeah..didnt quite go to plan.
Apparnlty the train station was closed.Funny-coz their train was 10 mins ago..

Im not going back to Epic.Theres no way.
But alex reocons that the guys cant get home untill 6am and "we're not leaving them.." "and we dont have enuf money for the taxi".etc etc *so basiclly she wants us to go back*.

So after much disgruntelled-ness and aftre they've established im really NOT wanting to go back to Epic-if i can find a fiver to get home.We're going back...

So i need to scrounge like a 5er to get back to Alex's-and she doesnt think ill do it.
HA aha hahh...im the Queen of Scav.
On my return i have 4 quid and the money in my own poket easily we've got a fiver...SO we're sorted....

Wait for the excuses..
1)" but they cant get home"
2)"it be so much easier to go back to epic"
3)"the taxi will probably be about 20"

i wanna bite someones face off.
So i try to see if i can stay with some1 else.Because i cant be fucked with them anymore.
Its so past not funny.
I dont give a shit.
So theres no room in the taxi.Every options not gonna work.I am defeated

So guess where im goin....
Back to the fuckin pricks on planks.
The taxi cost 8-and i wasnt paying shit for it.
So we went back to that shit hole, full of twats,who were so past drunk and annoying,to sit for another 4 hours.

i cud cry.
Really i could.
So i sat in the toilets under the handryer to fite back hyperthermia.And wait untill 6am.
No1 was talking to me -due to my previous outburst of sandwhiching the word fuck between every possible sylabol, and daming that skate park to hell.So i hummed to myself for a while ...

We went out to the bus stop and it was 45 mins untill the next one.

i was nearly hysterical.
So we all sat in the toilets under the handryer untill then.And go the bus into town.
Which was then follwed by 3 hours sat in Mcdonalds.Before alex finally decided to ring her dad to come and pick us up.And to take me home.
See now THAT ^^ is what you get when you try to be nice.You give people that little bit- and they just piss all over you.
I dont like saying no to ppl if im already in thier debt.I never wanted to go to that fuckin skate park in the first place.But you know when you feel like your being a bitch if you dont.
From now on,i dont care.I will be a bitch.Its what im good at.
So there.

but despite all that.I still had a good weekend.

Ohh and why was that....oh wait..i pulled.


ill er, tell you how wednesday goes....


lol gotta do what your best at girlie... lol i think on a day to day basis i get told that by someone... a stranger... my mom... my girlfriend..lol its all good in the hood! *passes a pint your way*