i started my final major project today.
5 weeks on whatever the fuck i like.
and full access to studios and materials..
now thats why i went to college.
Im gna do it on dreams.
Like the psychology behind it.
Knowing a pscholgy graduate who got a first is also a big help..
It also means that i have to record every dream i have a nite.Which granted is gna make me knakered,but also gives me the excuse to be late in to college..
All in all-my days been pretty gud today.
SHIT loads better than yestrday neway
Apart from-the train station man pervin on me.
that wasnt nice
I need to pass this course man.
And i cant wait to get my bonus-coz im gna get a nice fat tattoo at Mantra fest....Ooooo
things are looking up...
p.s i just drank the nicest orange juice.I wanna save it for later but I keep thinkin about how its sittin there in the fridge all lonely.
daim it...
im there
i hate the way you HAVE to deal with something,
when it gets taken out of your hands,
and you dont have a say anymore.
No more iffing and butting
and you wonder what things wud be like if they went differently.
I need to get pissed.
i started my final major project today.
5 weeks on whatever the fuck i like.
and full access to studios and materials..

now thats why i went to college.
Im gna do it on dreams.
Like the psychology behind it.
Knowing a pscholgy graduate who got a first is also a big help..

It also means that i have to record every dream i have a nite.Which granted is gna make me knakered,but also gives me the excuse to be late in to college..

All in all-my days been pretty gud today.
SHIT loads better than yestrday neway
Apart from-the train station man pervin on me.
that wasnt nice

I need to pass this course man.
And i cant wait to get my bonus-coz im gna get a nice fat tattoo at Mantra fest....Ooooo
things are looking up...


p.s i just drank the nicest orange juice.I wanna save it for later but I keep thinkin about how its sittin there in the fridge all lonely.

daim it...
im there

i hate the way you HAVE to deal with something,
when it gets taken out of your hands,
and you dont have a say anymore.
No more iffing and butting

and you wonder what things wud be like if they went differently.
I need to get pissed.

i have to train new staff today!
what you up 2??
I just got a new work laptop and it's so buff!!!
I'm preparing stuff to go to mobiles world wide, you'd think it was interesting but u'd be so wrong!