Hello everyone I so sorry I haven't been on in well even longer than the last time. I moved house and everything I have is well everywhere. It's pretty much sorted now though. We're looking after a really cute Burmese Python called Dribbles(Dribs for short) so he sort of breaks the room up a little. Erm what else is new, I hate my job but then again thaty's not really news. Er, oh my wedding dress is nearly finished, it looks really nice. Don't how I'm going to stay it (Elvira would cover up). So how is everyone. If anyone is over my way, I'm going to Hex on Saturday with Tim and our mates so come down.
Bye Bye my darlings.
Bye Bye my darlings.

Man porno for you
But admit it - you saw the pics of me naked and just had to lie down with a cup of strong tea and the bible.
I am the sex.
or whatever.