Hello my lovelies, how are you all doing, honesty please. Whinge and wynne as you like.
Well what am I upto, not a lot really. Waiting on more SG shop stuff. Oh that hell hole known as work tommorrow, but yay looking forward to September (i know long way). but I've been talking to the ehad chef lots and she's goingto help me get on a chefing course at Wirral met.
Wedding getting more organised, i even wrote out a list of things to do and what we need, how organied is that. I'm going to see mrs scary lady about my dress tonight, gone back to considering latex, but will probably get bollocked by Tim's mum for it (future mother in-law, that's scary, but I'm lucky because she's actually nice).
Off to Hex on saturday, it's a new club that's opened in Birkenhead. They have girlys dancing in cages, and a relitavely cheap bar. So I will report back.
I have my new tattoo planned to perfection:
Two hands on my chest
One Skeleton and one flesh
Both hands cupped inwards
with two dice floating inbetween them
On the diece is alpha and omega no numbers.
All in black and grey.
The PSW set will be up soon I promise.
Fun and frolicks for all.
Well what am I upto, not a lot really. Waiting on more SG shop stuff. Oh that hell hole known as work tommorrow, but yay looking forward to September (i know long way). but I've been talking to the ehad chef lots and she's goingto help me get on a chefing course at Wirral met.
Wedding getting more organised, i even wrote out a list of things to do and what we need, how organied is that. I'm going to see mrs scary lady about my dress tonight, gone back to considering latex, but will probably get bollocked by Tim's mum for it (future mother in-law, that's scary, but I'm lucky because she's actually nice).
Off to Hex on saturday, it's a new club that's opened in Birkenhead. They have girlys dancing in cages, and a relitavely cheap bar. So I will report back.
I have my new tattoo planned to perfection:
Two hands on my chest
One Skeleton and one flesh
Both hands cupped inwards
with two dice floating inbetween them
On the diece is alpha and omega no numbers.
All in black and grey.
The PSW set will be up soon I promise.
Fun and frolicks for all.

well not working this w/e... result! and despite a lot of JD and then brandy last night... I don't seem to have a hangover. Bonus!
I posyed my tattoo in my journal