i am preparing for another cross country journey....
i mu
st stop moving so much..
it is obvious that i do not no how to spell
but i really don't care
i am having a hard time finding a vaild reason for living in california. the more i think about i wish i had never left new orleans.

and yeah i think that i am beginning to discover that healthy lips on a lady are as important as a nce rear.
goddammit i am a fuckin crispy critter... i went to warped tour in san fran on saturday and i got a serious burn...

flogging molly was fuckin awesome.... if you haven't heard them, you are missing out. and if you don't like them, blah to you.
the moon was so beautiful tonight, i stared at it so long. now my damn eyes are sore.
i miss waffle house
i miss angeli's
i miss my mom
most of my female friends are getting a tab bit perturbed with me because i am forever bugging them about become a suicide girl.

maybe i have soccer mom-itis. or maybe i just wanna take their pictures.
i guess that life has thrown me another curveball, and i just keep swinging. eventually i will connect.

wal-mart sells chuck taylor knock-offs. yep.
i need pink chucks.

riiiiight now. haha.
slight indifference was made it's way into my life...

i am tired of being nice, maybe i should be more of an asshole...

maybe not.