finally back from work and in my new place. its been a really tuff couple of months!!! in instead of staying with one show ive been allover the place, so much for staying home this summer. but when I finally got home it suxed even worse. I had an empty house besides my stuff waiting for me. then I found out that my two old roommates decided to have a little heroin party on the 4th of July... long story short my best friend in the world odeed and died. along with 2 others, and the other four are all in rehab. im pretty fuct up about it, more mad than anything. but O well ill get over it cause right now im looking out my window at the ocean watching the sun set and drinking a beer. things don't seem so bad, for me at least. it just sux cause I haven't even unpacked all the way yet and im getting ready to leave again. yeahhhhh motley cruw! i think I gonad grow a mullet so I fit in with the rest of the crew. anyway i got a new lap top so I can update again later.