I finally get a day off from my fuck up work schedule, nothing like back to back 16 hour days for 18 days to suck the life out of you. But I guess that's how it is in the entertainment industry. Anyway one of my best friend from high school calls me up to tell me he's in town for awhile. So we go meet at the bar, where I had two black and tans. Well when I left the bar I notice that this cop was following me. Sure enough red and blue lights in the rear view. This fucking pig gave me every field sobriety test in the book!!!! not to mention it was 45 degrees outside. Finally the porker gives me a choice ether I admit to being drunk, and he'll be lean ant on me, or be breathalysed. If I fail the test I go to jail for the rest of the weekend, and flush 10 grand down the drain in fines and layers fees. If I pass I go home! So he test me once I blew 0.72 then again 0.069 then again 0.67. three times he test me. This guy was trying he's hardest to give me a dui. finally let me go after my roommates came to pick me and my truck up. pretty fuct up night . I HATE THE SEAL BEACH PD, OR ANY OTHER OC COP