AmeriCorps interview today at noon! Eeeeepp!
Finally beginning to venture out into the world--- crawl out of my apartment where I have been holed up for the past two months. I went for a long walk outside yesterday. I don't really realize even how depressed I am getting until I spend a while outside and remember how much I love it.... I love trees, watching the wnd move the tops and the slow creaking sounds they make, and the sharp earthy smell of the bark. I love coming in from a long walk and being able to smell the cool metallic scent of the (almost) spring air in my hair and on my skin.
Sunday it was 28 degrees outside. yesterday it was almost 50! and today it has slumped indefinately back into the teens. I think every season should get a good solid three months, then all would be fair. Here in upstate NY though, Summer and particularly Winter are overly greedy.... a pity that. Spring and Fall are my favourites.... I love the smell of the seasons.... I love the smell of mud and decay and rebirth.. sigh..
well, if I get into one of these programs, I will be able to spend a lot of time smelling nature, and smelling like nature, and sweat, and campfires... Time to become a self-confident, independent person! Go me!
Finally beginning to venture out into the world--- crawl out of my apartment where I have been holed up for the past two months. I went for a long walk outside yesterday. I don't really realize even how depressed I am getting until I spend a while outside and remember how much I love it.... I love trees, watching the wnd move the tops and the slow creaking sounds they make, and the sharp earthy smell of the bark. I love coming in from a long walk and being able to smell the cool metallic scent of the (almost) spring air in my hair and on my skin.
Sunday it was 28 degrees outside. yesterday it was almost 50! and today it has slumped indefinately back into the teens. I think every season should get a good solid three months, then all would be fair. Here in upstate NY though, Summer and particularly Winter are overly greedy.... a pity that. Spring and Fall are my favourites.... I love the smell of the seasons.... I love the smell of mud and decay and rebirth.. sigh..
well, if I get into one of these programs, I will be able to spend a lot of time smelling nature, and smelling like nature, and sweat, and campfires... Time to become a self-confident, independent person! Go me!
I like being in a forest just after it has rained and the sun has come out. All the droplets of water on the leaves sparkle and there's a lovely damp smell
I second that. Actually fern, my mom grew up in upstate, in Delmar, and I love it there. I always felt like there were more little things living everywhere there than anywhere else. I remember going for walks after the rain and there were tiny little orange salamanders everywhere, and I was so worried as a child about stepping on them... Also my grampa had all sorts of little taods living in his cellar window wells. As for festivals, i've been to quite a few, Gathering of the vibes when it was in Duanesberg, or Mariaville (2000?) wherever the bikers hold their rendevous, (indian lookout I think.) Actually I have been to three fests there, Camp Creek as well (2002) which was awesome!!! I love Max creek, do you know them? Oh man, Sorry my comment is so long. Well, I better go write my own journal!