AmeriCorps interview today at noon! Eeeeepp!

Finally beginning to venture out into the world--- crawl out of my apartment where I have been holed up for the past two months. I went for a long walk outside yesterday. I don't really realize even how depressed I am getting until I spend a while outside and remember how much I love it.... I love trees, watching...
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I like being in a forest just after it has rained and the sun has come out. All the droplets of water on the leaves sparkle and there's a lovely damp smell smile
I second that. Actually fern, my mom grew up in upstate, in Delmar, and I love it there. I always felt like there were more little things living everywhere there than anywhere else. I remember going for walks after the rain and there were tiny little orange salamanders everywhere, and I was so worried as a child about stepping on them... Also my grampa had all sorts of little taods living in his cellar window wells. As for festivals, i've been to quite a few, Gathering of the vibes when it was in Duanesberg, or Mariaville (2000?) wherever the bikers hold their rendevous, (indian lookout I think.) Actually I have been to three fests there, Camp Creek as well (2002) which was awesome!!! I love Max creek, do you know them? Oh man, Sorry my comment is so long. Well, I better go write my own journal! surreal
A gray day today *sigh* - and I was so enjoying the past couple days of sunshine. Not morbidly depressed for the first Sunday in months, but the day is still young. Had a random friend over for a movie Friday, so I suddenly felt the need to rearrange the whole living room, granted, there is only so much you can do with a desk...
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Hi. I was just breezing through, and noticed that we have two of the same fav. Suicide girls!!!!! Venla is like the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Anyways, just wanted to say hi. Oh, and you live in upstate NY? I have been to tons of festivals there. Whereabouts are you? ooo aaa
I don't envy you the Ikea thing. There's one just down the road from me and I've been there twice, under duress eeek
It's always rammed full of people. Me, not being the most patient person around, got kicked out smile
Yay! I finally figured out how to put pictures on my page!

Today: writing lots of letters and trying to work on my screenplay.
Thanks so much!
I'm pretty excited abou the whole thing...a bit frazzled as well.
I have my first interview this weekend!
And what will you do this weekend?
Eating green olives out of the jar just doesn't quite satisfy my craving for chicken wings.

Watching All About Eve for the 7th time will not make my eyes look like Bette Davis

And sleeping for 48 hours straight will not make it warm up and stop snowing... but I may try anyway

I have this ambition that one day I'll have my own bit of woodland to look after. I can make rustic furniture and stuff and my girlfriend has a horsewho'd be realyy good at wandering about towing logs smile
It may happen one day. Untill then, I like the idea of sleeping for 48 hours biggrin
Obsession of the week:

Cob Houses. Made from clay, sand, and straw, it doesn't require a mold like concrete or adobe so you can basically sculpt your whole house any way you want. make cool shaped stairs and seating and crazy windows. Wow. I'm excited. I just want to but some land and live in a tent while I build my house then have people...
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Yaay! Fun weekend (thank you very much!)

Saturday we drove up to Burlington Canada to go to Ikea. I got a happy blue Thermos that looks like the New Mexico sky, and I named it Jose. Yes, I like naming many of my inanimate personal belongings.

Yesterday drove up to Rochester to visit Katie and Alice to watch the Oscars. Before that all started we...
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Current projects:

Watching lots of movies
Taking pictures of myself when I'm home alone
Making gobs of mix CDs
Hand made books and note cards
Jogging in the snow
Cooking tons of sweet things
Searching for friends
Hello there honey smile
How's your weekend? good I hope. I like how you seem to spend your time doing a few things you like. I'm abit haphazard in that way, there's loads of stuff I like doing, so it ends up that I have very little time to do alot of it.
Maybe you should post some of your pics smile
What sort of sweet stuff do you like cooking?
I'm on a big My Little Pony kick right now. I want a My Little Pony or five. Spent too many hours last night looking at them on E bay then drawing lots of them.

Album of the week: Joanna Newsom "Milk--Eyed Mender"
From "Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie"

"O, morning without warning like a hole,
and I watch you go.
There are some mornings when...
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Cooking, cleaning, making presents for people... everyday. the same. Watched "High Sierra" yesterday. I love Film Noir, a great affinity for good sympathetic bad guys.

I wanna be a little kid again. Can I? I'm really sad that I never get toys for christmas anymore.
Avoiding working on my screenplay. Finally a beautiful warm day and the snow is melting. Read an excellent book on Film Noir,... if only I had a Tv to watch the movies now.