I decided to change my alias today, try something different.
I was posting a comment in someone's journal and the name just popped in my head. Let me know what you think (If I should keep it, go back to my old name, or try something else). I also changed a little bit of info. in my profile, as the last time I wrote in it I was new here and there were several things that didn't come to mind back then that should of...
Well, yesturday was the big day for my film to be screened... or so I thought.
No, it won't be screened till next week (if at all) which sucks because a great weight was lifted off my shoulders Thursday when I had a version of my film ready for presentation, but Friday I got more and more nervous. Then just when I thought all the antisipation would be over (good or bad), it's still clinging to my soul and will probably do so for the whole week. I've been masturbating more often as a result....
I don't know why, I just felt like sharing that.
Now I'm off to go see Kill Bill vol. 2 with my friends, but i gotta get to sleep early for work tomorrow... Just five more weeks then I'm outta there!
My friend (who runs an action figure booth at a collector's show) just called me tell me the ROB VAN FUCKING DAM was just at his booth talking about working together on selling some merchandise! I was going to go there this today, but I'm low on gas and it's raining out... FUCK! Maybe some other time.
Quote of the Day:
Not many people can say they had a better Easter than Jesus...
I was posting a comment in someone's journal and the name just popped in my head. Let me know what you think (If I should keep it, go back to my old name, or try something else). I also changed a little bit of info. in my profile, as the last time I wrote in it I was new here and there were several things that didn't come to mind back then that should of...
Well, yesturday was the big day for my film to be screened... or so I thought.
No, it won't be screened till next week (if at all) which sucks because a great weight was lifted off my shoulders Thursday when I had a version of my film ready for presentation, but Friday I got more and more nervous. Then just when I thought all the antisipation would be over (good or bad), it's still clinging to my soul and will probably do so for the whole week. I've been masturbating more often as a result....

Now I'm off to go see Kill Bill vol. 2 with my friends, but i gotta get to sleep early for work tomorrow... Just five more weeks then I'm outta there!
My friend (who runs an action figure booth at a collector's show) just called me tell me the ROB VAN FUCKING DAM was just at his booth talking about working together on selling some merchandise! I was going to go there this today, but I'm low on gas and it's raining out... FUCK! Maybe some other time.

Quote of the Day:
Not many people can say they had a better Easter than Jesus...

yep, i think yesterday was the celebrity race.