I am very excited, I just had my picture taken of my head after a year of using our new hair care product called Prosante. The pictures where taken on 7-23-04, 8-26-04 and 6-16-05. I noticed hair growth, better feeling hair, many others notice better looking hair, less breakage and more.
If you know of anyone interested in the product system, it can be purchased from our web site directly. Click here Prosante Hair Care Products
I am also looking for women that are into cosmotology, skin care applications, they should be able to apply and teach others to apply cosmetics and skin care products.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I am very excited, I just had my picture taken of my head after a year of using our new hair care product called Prosante. The pictures where taken on 7-23-04, 8-26-04 and 6-16-05. I noticed hair growth, better feeling hair, many others notice better looking hair, less breakage and more.

If you know of anyone interested in the product system, it can be purchased from our web site directly. Click here Prosante Hair Care Products
I am also looking for women that are into cosmotology, skin care applications, they should be able to apply and teach others to apply cosmetics and skin care products.
Have a wonderful weekend.
that stuff seems to work huh???