My step-daughter Megan graduated yesterday from High School. It was a great moment, took some great pictures. My ex-wife was there her boyfriend, and Megan's biological father. I did not meet the new boyfriend, but did talk with the ex for a bit and Meg''s dad.
While I as at the mall the other day handing out cards some people questioned the picture on my card.... lol, its about 7 years old. They said I look younger now... this is a good thing, so it means our skin care is working, need to dig up some old pictures and do a before and after...
Hope everyone is having a great week....
Be Well
My step-daughter Megan graduated yesterday from High School. It was a great moment, took some great pictures. My ex-wife was there her boyfriend, and Megan's biological father. I did not meet the new boyfriend, but did talk with the ex for a bit and Meg''s dad.
While I as at the mall the other day handing out cards some people questioned the picture on my card.... lol, its about 7 years old. They said I look younger now... this is a good thing, so it means our skin care is working, need to dig up some old pictures and do a before and after...
Hope everyone is having a great week....
Be Well

congrats to megan!!!

Thank you for the E-mail. Between that and handing out cards, I wonder what exactly you do...