Had a great day today, one of my dearest friends is in from Chicago, due to an illness in the family. We have not seen each other in 5 years, we met about 8 years ago on Match.com and have been friends ever since.
She is leaving to go back to Chicago this weekend, so i took her to lunch. When she saw me i got the biggest hug I have ever recieved in my life... to bad i did not have a camera....
Well that was the icing on the cake today... hope everyone elses day went well...
& hug to all of you girls that could use a good Hug and Kiss... Here is one at you, there is nothing like good close friends that are always there to listen and help if needed.... Make sure you tell the friends you have and the loved ones how much they mean to you...
She is leaving to go back to Chicago this weekend, so i took her to lunch. When she saw me i got the biggest hug I have ever recieved in my life... to bad i did not have a camera....
Well that was the icing on the cake today... hope everyone elses day went well...

To much to go into detail here.... I emailed you my address, shoot me an email and i will send you an outline of what it encompasses and how much you can earn.