Happy Monday.... New week... Last week in August... Kids going back to school.

Hope everyone is safe in New Orleans and there is not a lot of damage... Though from the description of the city being shapped like a bowl does not seam they could escape damage.

Have an awesome week....

I use orbitz...I need a nonstop flight.....was it nonstop?
Went to see 40 Year old Virgiin on Tuesday. It was the funiest movie i have seen in a loong time. Everyone in the theater was laughing. I saw a special on "E" and the waxing scene was real. Can you remember the first time you had sex? Who it was with? Was it good?

I would rate this as a must see movie. Have...
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hey you just stopin by to say hi!


s biggrin
that was sarcasm
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. It was a great weekend, ended up getting alot done around the house, spent some time with the gf and her kids and managed to get some swimming in.

Hope everyone has a great week.... kiss
I had a good weekend too! This week seems to be pretty boring....it's moving too slow already!!!
I was just thinking about the pool....I usually close it up for winter Labor day weekend....that's coming up soon!!!!!!! frown
i had a great weekend my parents left on sat and i worked at the pool today loved the tan lol

have a good week smile
Sox Game...
It was awesome, on the way there walking into Fenway 4 F-16's flew over us about 300 feet above the ground, the sounds was incredible as well as the view.

Everyone jumped one of those things, you could not get the camera out fast enough. At the game we were about 75 feet from first base in a field box. What a great...
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Hope everyone had a great weekend... went to a nice birthday party for my niece. My brother game me 4 tickets to to the Red Sox.... for Monday night.... how cool is that.

Everyone have a nice week...

Jeff smile
smile have fun at the game!!!
Today is Friday, went to a training yesterday. One of my customer introduced me to a doctor doing a study on reducing ashtma problems in homes iin children. This is so awesome as I have been worling on the same thing with other professionals for a while. This person is connected all over the country. This is going to be huge, we will be able...
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Dear Greathands;

i have hada husband for 4 year and we have been together for 8 total and we are growning apart ilike things most dont and he is well plain do you think we should try again to fix our relastionship or should we just give up? by the way we have 2 kids together and one that is his... thank you for you help

Sutpid Bitch

anyway .....hope you liked that if you want sure answer....lol i posted a stupid poem today hope you have a great weekend


Sir's slut love
have a great weekend!!! smile
Today is Friday, went to a training yesterday. One of my customer introduced me to a doctor doing a study on reducing ashtma problems in homes iin children. This is so awesome as I have been worling on the same thing with other professionals for a while. This person is connected all over the country.

My niece is having a birthday party on Sunday she...
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This weekend we went so see Sky high with gf and kids, it was funny. Did yard work at her house,we put in 12 bags of multch, planted some flowers, went for a ride with her and her daughters, swimming etc. Had a blast....

Everyone have a great week.


confused and which gf is this?!?!?!?!!?!?

biggrin wink
lol wow mack dady if someone has to ask which gf it is lol

glad you had fun talk to you later

This weekend, went so see Sky high with gf and kids, it was funny. Did yard work at her house,we put in 12 bags of multch, planted some flowers, went for a ride with her and her daughters, swimming etc. Had a blast....

Everyone have a great week.

Today starts another great day. I did another 12 mile bike ride today, yesterday I did on at 1:00 pm in the hot sun. Does it make you feel energized. I weighed myself today and I am the lowest weight I have been in 3 years. The wieght management program I am on is working great, people around me are noticing that is even better......
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thank You for you time and thank You for reading my stuff...what brought you to my page....it is quite, that is what brings most....

glad to have you....hope you look forward to reading!

Sir's slut

Sir's slut blackeyed

do you knwo how to get intouch with MUSE

i miss her where did she go>

[Edited on Aug 01, 2005 12:10AM]
This week has been an awesome week. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend.

Take care
I'm a horticulturist. And the organization for which I work (it''s a non-profit, residence) focuses on using organic/environmentally sound practices and native plants.
Hmm, besides fuzzy, what did it look like? Did it have flowers?

There is a type of primrose that has fuzzy leaves that some people have an allergic reaction to. A co-worker of mine actually has scars from the reaction he had to it. But, it doesn't seem to bother me.

I chose my profession accidentally. I wanted to be a biologist, took a botany class and some other hort classes my first semester at college and ended up with an AAS in Landscape/Nursery Technology, and an AAS in Interiorscaping and Floral Design.

So, I do design work as well, and actually prefer it, especiallly since my job right now is changing into something I didn't want it to be - constant weeding.

I'm working on my bachelors in Technology Management, it takes my associates credits and applies them toward the bachelors in management . It was designed to train managers in technological fields. It is another reason I'm annoyed by my job now. My manager has a bachelors in liberal arts and has risen to management through promotions, not actual training, so my idea of what a manager should do and what he actually does conflicts. He's got more experience in the hort industry (although, he's got a commercial background - I have more of a non-profit background), and we work in a non-profit organization.
H Everyone...
Have you ever worked with someone that all they do is complain... A friend of mine owns a pool company and I have been helping him a couple of days during the week, (he fired all his guys a few weeks ago)... All they do is whine about the heat, the price of gas, things where not done right it doesn't mater what...
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glad to hear that you had a nice weekend! i want to go see charlie and the chocolate factory. i think i'll wait til it dies down a little tho...i hate a crowded movie theater!
double post....sorry!!! blush

[Edited on Jul 18, 2005 7:47PM]