Last night I went out with a friend down to Newport, we went down to Fort Adams around sunset, the weather was great. After leaving Fort Adams we drove along Ocean Drive. The one time I did not have my camera and wish I did....
Imagine this...
It was about 7-8 pm at night.
Full moon above the horizon.... a clear and vivid view...
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Last night I went out with a friend down to Newport, we went down to Fort Adams around sunset, the weather was great. After leaving Fort Adams we drove along Ocean Drive. The one time I did not have my camera and wish I did....
Imagine this...
It was about 7-8 pm at night.
Full moon above the horizon.... a clear and vivid view...
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that sounds really nice...maybe I can convince this somebody I'm seeing to take a drive with me after work one and we can sit on the beach and watch the waves....thanks for the idea jeff.

Life is strainge sometime... I have been speaking with this women for 3 weeks now and looking forward to meeting her... last night she called me crying saying she could not meet me because of something that happened to her.
There is a higher level of connection with this women even though we have yet to meet. We talk each morning and each night,...
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Life is strainge sometime... I have been speaking with this women for 3 weeks now and looking forward to meeting her... last night she called me crying saying she could not meet me because of something that happened to her.
There is a higher level of connection with this women even though we have yet to meet. We talk each morning and each night,...
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thats terrible to hear but I'm glad that your standing by her....its a real noble thing to do. Most people would up and run, really nice philosohy you have. I hope that she can get better and that you can finally meet her.

What a wild weekend...... I end up going out on Friday night, Saturday during the day and meeting this new women 6' 38D model like person... Unfortunately I had other plans so I had to cut the date short.... she downs 5 captain Morgans and coca cola and 6 shots in 2.5 hours.... and can still walk... I take her back home and she...
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What a wild weekend...... I end up going out on Friday night, Saturday during the day and meeting this new women 6' 38D model like person... Unfortunately I had other plans so I had to cut the date short.... she downs 5 captain Morgans and coca cola and 6 shots in 2.5 hours.... and can still walk... I take her back home and she...
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wow! what a stud you are!!!

What a wild weekend...... I end up going out on Friday night, Saturday during the day and meeting this new wowmen 6' 38D model like person... Unfortunately I had other plans so I had to cut the date short.... she downs 5 captin morgans and coca cola and 6 shots in 2.5 hours.... and can still walk... I take her back home and she...
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What a wild weekend...... I end up going out on Friday night, Saturday during the day and meeting this new wowmen 6' 38D model like person... Unfortunately I had other plans so I had to cut the date short.... she downs 5 captin morgans and coca cola and 6 shots in 2.5 hours.... and can still walk... I take her back home and she...
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Had a good weekend, stripped and shingled my moms house over the weekend. Stripped one side of the roof in about 3 hours, ended up working on it on Saturday and finishing on Sunday. Good for another 20 years....
I waa over a friends of mine and the kids asked me to read a bedtime story to them. I went in and read it, it...
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I waa over a friends of mine and the kids asked me to read a bedtime story to them. I went in and read it, it...
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thats a nice story...enjoy your week jeff.
This week is starting off great... I got a response from a lady on the dating service and we spoke from 11pm till 5am... she called me at 9:30am to say good morning and we talked till 1:00 pm.... Needless to say there is a good match... will see how things go will probably meet her later on...
Have an awesome week...
Went to see...
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Have an awesome week...
Went to see...
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wow! that's alot of talkin'! you won't have anything to talk about on your date!!!!

good going man...sounds like a great start to something special hopefully.
Hope everyones week is going great.... I heard a great line on a show the other day that fits well.
It's all the little things that happen each day that makes each day special. Its all the little things we see in our lover, partners, friends that make them special. Tell someone you care about how much they mean to you.
It's all the little things that happen each day that makes each day special. Its all the little things we see in our lover, partners, friends that make them special. Tell someone you care about how much they mean to you.
sage advice....and I think I'll go do that..good call.
Well had a kind of bummer weekend, Gf broke up with me, told me she tried to love and and does not feel she could ever bring it to that level. She enjoys my company, her kids love me and she even contemplated doing it for the kids... I told her that would not be right... So back to the dating scene...
The toughest...
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Well had a kind of bummer weekend, Gf broke up with me, told me she tried to love and and does not feel she could ever bring it to that level. She enjoys my company, her kids love me and she even contemplated doing it for the kids... I told her that would not be right... So back to the dating scene...
The toughest...
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awww! that sucks!!!
yeah...how is it that you remain friends with your exes?!?!?!
yeah...how is it that you remain friends with your exes?!?!?!

Today I was helping a friend with some pools and when we went to clean one of them, there was a Rabbit in one of the skimmers at first I thought he was dead...
I removed him from the skimmer and put him on the ground in the sun, he was shivering and could not stand up, he was liing on his side, extremely exhausted....
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I removed him from the skimmer and put him on the ground in the sun, he was shivering and could not stand up, he was liing on his side, extremely exhausted....
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oh my!!! poor lil bunny!!! i'm glad he's ok!!!
Misc Stuff
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Helped my gf strip and shingle her roof on her house. Ended up having some rotten wood, moldy wood and had to replace part of a joist. Her two kids where up on the roof helping us. It was funny one had a hammer and was driving nails, the other used the nail gun and would get shingles for...
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wow! 7 & 8 yrs old and they were helping do roofing!!! what did you have to buy them!?!?!?!?
you have a great week too!!!!

you have a great week too!!!!
Today is Friday.... it was a great week for me... not so much for the people down south... think about this the amount of area is probably the size or Rhode Island and Part of CT.... the people that are helping i am sure are doiing all they can do...They just need a whole lot more help...
Well this weekend I am stripping and shingling...
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Well this weekend I am stripping and shingling...
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all very good news except fopr the fact that the roof it leaking but thats so nice of you to be fixing it. I hope you had fun at the game and I'll catch up with you.