- on mercy's page
- on graytestone's status update
- on Three Word Story Game (continued) in silliness
- on motoxbabe's status update
- on nxy's photo
- on graytestone's status update
I'm going to leave this here...it's not going to make sense to any of you but thanks for giving me space to say something beautiful. Your legs are shaking because your body is baking from the fire of desire. Your mind is exploding from knowing it's release your craving...from everything. Your heart is pounding, skin crawling, moisture everywhere, because you got lost in the moment....
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OKay so I want you all to listen to me. Godiva I am speaking to you to personally. There is something I can share with you all worth learning. It is called nuerosculpting and you can look it up but let me be your introduction. 3 things that define who we are as human beings. Just like the three things that destroy us with no...
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