So a quick little update for everyone.
My first game came out Wed. Wrestlemania 21. You'd think I would be super happy. However it appears that the publisher, THQ, decided to ship out the wrong build of our game. They sent out the unfixed, unpolished version of the game. And will they fix it....nope. it would cost more money to fix it then to just say "to hell with it". So yeah, frustrating on that front.
It looks like I may finally get off Quake 4 this coming week. Things are seeming to wind down on the game and I'll be given back to the game I was hired for. WOO HOO. No more weekends and late nights at work. Megz will be very very happy.
So i threw up a new profile pic. Its an actual pic of me. Not a cartoon of myself. Let me know what ya think of my ugly mug.
Well, now that crunch is almost over, I'm going to get back on my diet and get in shape. Hope everyone is having a good weekend and have a good upcoming week. Be good or be good at it.
My first game came out Wed. Wrestlemania 21. You'd think I would be super happy. However it appears that the publisher, THQ, decided to ship out the wrong build of our game. They sent out the unfixed, unpolished version of the game. And will they fix it....nope. it would cost more money to fix it then to just say "to hell with it". So yeah, frustrating on that front.
It looks like I may finally get off Quake 4 this coming week. Things are seeming to wind down on the game and I'll be given back to the game I was hired for. WOO HOO. No more weekends and late nights at work. Megz will be very very happy.
So i threw up a new profile pic. Its an actual pic of me. Not a cartoon of myself. Let me know what ya think of my ugly mug.

Well, now that crunch is almost over, I'm going to get back on my diet and get in shape. Hope everyone is having a good weekend and have a good upcoming week. Be good or be good at it.

OOOOHHHHH!!! Who's winnin' the sex war now, punk?!?!?

You are no match for me, grasshopper! You are like a child with one leg severed from its body and its hands tied behind its back buried under the ground up to its neck. I turn my back to you but swivel my head in order for you to see my superior sneer. Ha ha!