So the holidays are always great except one thing. It's FUCKING impossible to be on a diet for that period of time. SUCKS. Alright, so here goes the update.
Hardly anyone at work, i'm one of 2 animators that can work on in game moves. And he has other stuff like compression to work on. falls on me for this week. Which is fine. I'm up to the challenge baby! Game is right there on the verge of being done. Anyone want to read up on it, pick up the new Game Informer magazine at your local newstand. Be sure to get the one with Snoop Dogg on the cover. page 66 starts a 6 page spread on Wrestlemania 21! for the Xbox. That's my game folks. Today is going to be a short update because i'm tired and got work in the morning.
But...weight counter will be back. I made a bet with my mom and sis. $100 to the person that loses 30lbs the fastest. So, I'm gonna bust balls and get this fucking weight off. I have until April 9th! Also, i told myself if i lose it, i'm shaving myself a hawk in the head baby! Oh well, need more $360 in GC to Best's entertainment time!
Everybody send love to my hottie Megz. She's so FINE. Also a BIG welcome back to quasi_sean. And a shout to my boy DF! The Transformer Informer...The Man with the Star Wars Plan....the...ah, you get the point. He ROCKS.
And I didn't get anything from my wishlist
I guess X-Men Evolution Maquettes are rather expensive. I need to start a new one...although..OTTER POPS are on the way!
Weight Counter:
Current: 209 lbs (AGAIN..fucking Holidays)
Check back for further updates.
Hardly anyone at work, i'm one of 2 animators that can work on in game moves. And he has other stuff like compression to work on. falls on me for this week. Which is fine. I'm up to the challenge baby! Game is right there on the verge of being done. Anyone want to read up on it, pick up the new Game Informer magazine at your local newstand. Be sure to get the one with Snoop Dogg on the cover. page 66 starts a 6 page spread on Wrestlemania 21! for the Xbox. That's my game folks. Today is going to be a short update because i'm tired and got work in the morning.
But...weight counter will be back. I made a bet with my mom and sis. $100 to the person that loses 30lbs the fastest. So, I'm gonna bust balls and get this fucking weight off. I have until April 9th! Also, i told myself if i lose it, i'm shaving myself a hawk in the head baby! Oh well, need more $360 in GC to Best's entertainment time!
Everybody send love to my hottie Megz. She's so FINE. Also a BIG welcome back to quasi_sean. And a shout to my boy DF! The Transformer Informer...The Man with the Star Wars Plan....the...ah, you get the point. He ROCKS.
And I didn't get anything from my wishlist

Weight Counter:
Current: 209 lbs (AGAIN..fucking Holidays)
Check back for further updates.
Good luck with the weight competition I need to loose a lil myself.