Farewell, ISON: we barely knew ye.
Me, too. Not sure how I missed what Wasteland 2 was when I saw it, or maybe it had already been funded by then. I think Shadowrun Returns was the first kickstarter I saw. But, after you mentioned it and I looked into it, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it, as well. I'm actually playing Fallout 1 at the moment. A bit slow, but immersive enough that I twice managed to lose about an hours worth of gaming last night because I forgot to save. I still don't understand the hate people had for Bethesda's Fallout 3. I think they took a good mix of elements from 1 and 2 - not everything, but plenty to approximate the experience and get the same feel and dark humor - and packaged it in one of the most beautiful and fun games ever made, at least for its time. I liked it better than New Vegas and it is much less buggy. It remains my favorite of all time.
I tried a second play-through of NV as an evil character, but ran into a few quest bugs that were annoying and one that ended up killing one particular quest tree I wanted to complete. The first play-through had one significant bug with a dialog option being available that shouldn't have been, which by taking it earlier in the game, eliminated the option of using it when I had the associated quest.