A bit after dawn, as I decided whether or not to get up this morning (and I've already spoiled the suspense there) I heard a sound like a shot ring out, from far away, and felt the house shake lightly. Transformer blowing somewhere a bit closer in to town, most likely.
Power dropped, then came back, then dropped, then came back, over the space of four or five seconds. Yuck. And I had left both my computers on when I unceremoniously crashed the night... well, early morning... before.
So, I got up to survey the damage, and they were both sitting there just as I had left them (once I turned the screens back on). The UPSs had done their jobs perfectly.
I think that has to be an auspicious start to the weekend.
Power dropped, then came back, then dropped, then came back, over the space of four or five seconds. Yuck. And I had left both my computers on when I unceremoniously crashed the night... well, early morning... before.
So, I got up to survey the damage, and they were both sitting there just as I had left them (once I turned the screens back on). The UPSs had done their jobs perfectly.
I think that has to be an auspicious start to the weekend.
The computes are good, but the cake....