Okay, so the holidays are closing in. Working my ass off trying to play catch up with money. I sometimes feel like my feet are in quick sand and the more I do to get out, the worse I can't move. Sucks. Amazing that I can stay happy. I definitely have alot of hope. I just know that things will get better. Slowly...but will get better. I think it is practice from being such a gypsy and moving so much. Starting over and over and over. Ugh, it's fun but I think it is time for me to settle down some. I am getting too old for this shit. Well soon as things settle down after the holidays and such, I am looking to get back into school and getting my edemication (thats was a joke)(the spelling part). One thing at a time and one day at a time. That's all I can do. Very slow going after getting a DUI. And kids, they are not fun. Well this feels good, this is pretty much my first "real" blog. Anywhos....I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year. I will be working for both holidays but I will make the best of them.
Licks and kisses!!

Licks and kisses!!

i'm really jazzed about it too.