1. Last thing that someone gave you?
2. List five things in your fridge?
1) Milk
2) apple juice
3) meal worms
4) humulin N
5) fruit
3. List five things next to your bed?
1) sugar gliders
2) lamp
3) dirty laundry
4) table
5) alarm
4. Favorite seasonal smell?
outside after it rains
5. Least favorite smell?
boy feet
6. If you could choose how you will die, how would it be?
7. Your lucky number?
8. Last person you communicated with?
jeff and mimi from upstairs
9. Any pets, if so what kind?
charlie, cypress, my cats
carter, gir, byron, lulu, elvis, gollum, cherry, kala, and cupcake, all my gliders
10. Goblins or Hob-Goblins?
11. Dietary restrictions?
12. Last time you took the time to enjoy nature?
this afternoon
13. Favorite obsession?
boy smells
14. Least Favorite obsession?
biting my nails
15. Favorite childhood novel?
Ramona Age 8
16. Color of your bedroom?
17. Two things you wish you had?
less bills, more money
18. Favorite Soda?
19. Last movie you watched?
first while of gangs of newyork
20. Word, phrase or sentence fragment that best describes you?
21. Cold or hot?
22. Bath or shower?
23. What do you miss about being a child?
life being only as complicated and figuring out if timmy from across the street likes you, or...like, likes you..
circle yes or no
24. Beta, VHS, DVD?
i prefer the term video casettes thank you.
25. Insanity or sanity?
26. List 5 things on your coffee table?
1) books
2) hair dye
3) ink fix
4) my cat
5) Dust
27. List 5 things in your shower?
1) razor
2) drain plug
3)lots of shampoo
4) face scrub
5) radio
28. Silence, TV on, or stereo playing while you sleep?
sounds of my fuzzies
29. If you could be anything, what would you choose to be?
bird, or a fish
30. Most refreshing feeling?
full night's sleep
31. Favorite moment in life so far?
32. Last five albums you listened to?
1) something elliot put in the car
2)radiohead -ok computer
3) some rap mixed cd
4) a techno mix cd
5) ella fitzgerald
33. Last person you hugged?
34. Last thing you ingested?
mother fuckin opera cream cake
35. Favorite piece of furniture in your house/apartment?
bed set and aquariums
36. Best weather to walk or ride your bike in?
spring early morning
37. Dream Car?
38. The woods, the desert, the prairie, the mountains, the beach?
why does it ask about two desciduious regions,?
what about the tundra? or the rain forest? ill pick there.
39. Most pronounced habit?
40. First memory?
playing outside with my neighbor from downstairs and my mom calling me back inside
41. Phobias?
42. Favorite childhood movie?
robin hood
43. Favorite tall tale, fairy lore, or folk lore?
either peter rabbit, or Jack and the Bean Stalk... my mom would make these cool voices for them..
44. Puddle hopping, or playing in snow banks?
puddle hopping
45. Cursive or print?
i still dont know cursive
46. Letter/post card or email?
depends on the occasion
47. Family or friends first?
both usually at the same time
48. Favorite short story?
monsters in my tummy
49. Person you wish you saw more?
50. Song that best describes your mood right now?
all is full of love = bjork.
yeah im lazxy.. i re did the last journals.. but im tired people.
that is awesome about you and Elliot, congrats babe, you deserve a guy that treats you well.

ramona age 8...holy shit. that brings me back