RAR! ....
I had a pretty good day today... got up and went to work. my boss asked me if i wanted to pierce this chicks labret cause he was busy doing something. it felt great to know he has that kind of confidence in me already. he peaked in to make sure everything was good and just fixed one quick thing for me (technical step), and let me do the whole thing by myself. it was fuckin sweet.
went to the dentist and got this appliance to keep me from ginding my teeth.. the first one i got didnt fit right.
uhh then i came home and cleaned a lil bit (gotta keep up on the hairy cats you know..) then i studied until about 13 minutes ago.....now im tired and im going to get up tomorrow and study more.
i have my last 2 exams tomorrow.. both hard ones.. then i have a court date. .. eww
i got a speeding ticket and instead of paying it im going to try to convert it into community service. i even got together a list of places that need volunteers so the judge knows i'm serious. i dont want them to think im just trying to get out of it..although that is part... but i really cant afford the ticket and i dont want those points on my driving record. i was doing so freaking well!
yeah... i hope it works and i dont end up paying an ass load of court fines, and my ticket... that'd suck.
lulu is getting to the point in her pregnancy that i can see the lil ones moving around.. its kinda creepy. but she lets me close enough to her that i can pet her babies until she moves.. its neat. ...i hope these lil ones are girls... we'll see!
im eating birthday cake.
so you'd think that goodwill would have pet cages right? no they dont... apparently they dont get them in often.
i cant really think of anything else eventful that has happened.... so... tell me something that happned to you today!

I had a pretty good day today... got up and went to work. my boss asked me if i wanted to pierce this chicks labret cause he was busy doing something. it felt great to know he has that kind of confidence in me already. he peaked in to make sure everything was good and just fixed one quick thing for me (technical step), and let me do the whole thing by myself. it was fuckin sweet.
went to the dentist and got this appliance to keep me from ginding my teeth.. the first one i got didnt fit right.
uhh then i came home and cleaned a lil bit (gotta keep up on the hairy cats you know..) then i studied until about 13 minutes ago.....now im tired and im going to get up tomorrow and study more.
i have my last 2 exams tomorrow.. both hard ones.. then i have a court date. .. eww
i got a speeding ticket and instead of paying it im going to try to convert it into community service. i even got together a list of places that need volunteers so the judge knows i'm serious. i dont want them to think im just trying to get out of it..although that is part... but i really cant afford the ticket and i dont want those points on my driving record. i was doing so freaking well!
yeah... i hope it works and i dont end up paying an ass load of court fines, and my ticket... that'd suck.
lulu is getting to the point in her pregnancy that i can see the lil ones moving around.. its kinda creepy. but she lets me close enough to her that i can pet her babies until she moves.. its neat. ...i hope these lil ones are girls... we'll see!
im eating birthday cake.
so you'd think that goodwill would have pet cages right? no they dont... apparently they dont get them in often.
i cant really think of anything else eventful that has happened.... so... tell me something that happned to you today!
that really is ncie with your boss - he has confidence in you and that is always good to hear.
Make sure to take some pics when the lil ones arrive
[Edited on Mar 16, 2005 8:39PM]