yum.. cheesy noodles.
its snowing here.. i'm not sure why. its supposed to be getting warm but its snowing like jesus is being born.. wtf?!
im playing with my itunes again.. trying to finish loading everything... i should be doing something for my finals like studying for them... tehehe.. im not going too!!
going to a lil party type event tonight.. its with the people i work at sam goofy with..i shall be there around nineish.. until then i plan on goofying around with the pictures of the kids i took earlier in the week. check pics section later for updates.
uhh.. so i cant go to florida.. i knew that already but its confirmed now.
uhhhh thats all thats new right now...
oh yeah ! i cleaned my apt really well so its all nice n shit.
yay for me.
its snowing here.. i'm not sure why. its supposed to be getting warm but its snowing like jesus is being born.. wtf?!
im playing with my itunes again.. trying to finish loading everything... i should be doing something for my finals like studying for them... tehehe.. im not going too!!
going to a lil party type event tonight.. its with the people i work at sam goofy with..i shall be there around nineish.. until then i plan on goofying around with the pictures of the kids i took earlier in the week. check pics section later for updates.
uhh.. so i cant go to florida.. i knew that already but its confirmed now.
uhhhh thats all thats new right now...
oh yeah ! i cleaned my apt really well so its all nice n shit.
yay for me.
"its snowing like jesus is being born"
Ummmm......Im no where near a christain so I wouldnt really know....but wasnt he suppositly born in a desert?