almost finished with this stupid quarter. happy about that.
went out last night, drank too much, ..well that was after work. then we went out to this bar next to work.. after we went to the mall..
my liver hates me. eternally.
i got a really retarted email from some 19 year old thug from ky. he wants to text me... no. i'm such a bitch. but hey, i know i wont get along with you "thug lifE" psst: .... your white and your hat is too big for your infantile skull.
my gliders are out again. elvis just does not want to be in his cage at all.. he hates his room so fine.. he can play with the kitty cats.
finished my senior project. got a great grade. yay i'm kinda smart.
my boss told me yesterday that i'm wasting my time liking my coworker.. cause hes going away for college soon... i think she dosent think i'm good enough for him and thats why she says i'm wasting my time. i dont think im wasting my time if a guy is really nice and smart and not a douche bag. besides, its my damn time to waste.. what else am i going to do with it? contemplate what animals i want next because i'm so effing lonly? no id rather waste my time crushing on boys who are going away. shit its not like we've even held hands or anything. if he likes me he'd make a move. im not wrapped up in it.. its a crush. like a bug.. they get squashed.
besides if he didnt at least trust me, he wouldnt have asked me to watch his cat and snake while hes in NYC.
got up this morning, went outside and before i could even get to my car i had to stop and pick up my neighbors garbage. if they would use garbage cans the ingenious raccoons would not tear open the bags and get trash all over my yard.
when it warms up again im going to spend one of my days off walking around my neibhgorhood picking up garbage... i drive down the street all the time and its nothing but trash. makes me mad.
so i got my USDA licensing paperwork. now im just putting together my care program for my glider breeding. its going to take me a while to get it all settled and correct but at least im on the right track. i got their diet informatin down and most of the normal vet care. im trying to keep in mind that this is not a money making venture yet and i dont have the capitol to invest in massive products but id like too someday.
i just typed that entire paragraph while staring at the ceiling in the lab.
jeff still has not done anything with me for my birthday. that fucker.
it smells kinda funny in here.
i really should be doing something productive the past few days like studying for my cell structure and function final. that would be a good idea.
lulu my lil girl glider is going to have her first litter soon... i hope everything goes well this time. last time the babies just dissapeared.
i hope they are girls. i hope i can find good homes for them all. should i keep AVa's boys? i think i want too.. they are handsome.. and cute.. part of me thinks i should go a head and sell them.
im weening myself off of my antidepressants... i really should talk to my doctor before i start to do this but the fucking insurance system and health care system here is so FUCKED that i cant get anyone to cover me right now... fucking humana made an excemption on my meds i currently take.. how can they do that? mother fuckers. i take allegra for my pets cause i developed allergies and i take lexapro for anxiety and depression associated with school.. crap like this makes me want to try to change stuff but god knows nothing ever will. not with bush in the house.
ok i have a headache.. i gotta go get some dihydrogen-oxide.
went out last night, drank too much, ..well that was after work. then we went out to this bar next to work.. after we went to the mall..
my liver hates me. eternally.
i got a really retarted email from some 19 year old thug from ky. he wants to text me... no. i'm such a bitch. but hey, i know i wont get along with you "thug lifE" psst: .... your white and your hat is too big for your infantile skull.
my gliders are out again. elvis just does not want to be in his cage at all.. he hates his room so fine.. he can play with the kitty cats.
finished my senior project. got a great grade. yay i'm kinda smart.
my boss told me yesterday that i'm wasting my time liking my coworker.. cause hes going away for college soon... i think she dosent think i'm good enough for him and thats why she says i'm wasting my time. i dont think im wasting my time if a guy is really nice and smart and not a douche bag. besides, its my damn time to waste.. what else am i going to do with it? contemplate what animals i want next because i'm so effing lonly? no id rather waste my time crushing on boys who are going away. shit its not like we've even held hands or anything. if he likes me he'd make a move. im not wrapped up in it.. its a crush. like a bug.. they get squashed.
besides if he didnt at least trust me, he wouldnt have asked me to watch his cat and snake while hes in NYC.
got up this morning, went outside and before i could even get to my car i had to stop and pick up my neighbors garbage. if they would use garbage cans the ingenious raccoons would not tear open the bags and get trash all over my yard.
when it warms up again im going to spend one of my days off walking around my neibhgorhood picking up garbage... i drive down the street all the time and its nothing but trash. makes me mad.
so i got my USDA licensing paperwork. now im just putting together my care program for my glider breeding. its going to take me a while to get it all settled and correct but at least im on the right track. i got their diet informatin down and most of the normal vet care. im trying to keep in mind that this is not a money making venture yet and i dont have the capitol to invest in massive products but id like too someday.
i just typed that entire paragraph while staring at the ceiling in the lab.
jeff still has not done anything with me for my birthday. that fucker.
it smells kinda funny in here.
i really should be doing something productive the past few days like studying for my cell structure and function final. that would be a good idea.
lulu my lil girl glider is going to have her first litter soon... i hope everything goes well this time. last time the babies just dissapeared.
i hope they are girls. i hope i can find good homes for them all. should i keep AVa's boys? i think i want too.. they are handsome.. and cute.. part of me thinks i should go a head and sell them.
im weening myself off of my antidepressants... i really should talk to my doctor before i start to do this but the fucking insurance system and health care system here is so FUCKED that i cant get anyone to cover me right now... fucking humana made an excemption on my meds i currently take.. how can they do that? mother fuckers. i take allegra for my pets cause i developed allergies and i take lexapro for anxiety and depression associated with school.. crap like this makes me want to try to change stuff but god knows nothing ever will. not with bush in the house.
ok i have a headache.. i gotta go get some dihydrogen-oxide.

well said.
fuck the healthcare system. yeah it would be nice to talk to the psychiatrist before you start tweeking the meds, but they probably only pay for one visit, as if it were enough.