The time is currently 11:46 PM on February 21, 2005. In 14 minutes it will be my birthday. I have been asleep since around 7 or 8 this evening. I have a rockin cold. I have no idea if i will be functioning at al tomorrow. I left school today to try to get well.
This weekend was lame. I spent it in class talking about organizational communication. blegh. Uh... other than that i cleaned =) and finally got to finish my laundry!
So I've named the little joey's. One is Gir, and one is Byron. The crazy ass one is Gir.
I'm also getting two girls, one that is a white face blond, and one thats a het. their names are Cala and Aeon. They are both going to be buddies with Carter since he is also a het for WFB. Now that i have all my babies, all i have to do is figure out how to get a website going. I cant believe ive never made a site before. I feel like I should have by now... Ive also got a bunch of other crap to get in order before i "start" my business..... like finding a name..
My mommy is out of town right now.. she has some regional business meetings.
I got a high D on my Cell Structure and Function Exam. It was too long and i freaked out.... the good news is my teacher is letting us make up 10 points on it by redoing our wrong answers. it is the only way i'm passing. i'm dissapointed in myself because i felt like i knew it and i thought i got around an 80. There is nothing more dissapointing than thinking you knew wtf you were doing and finding out you just freakin dont.
I am wondering if my dad is going to call me to wish me happy bday tomorrow. he has this habit of forgetting which day it is, or not calling because he feels bad... we'll see. I think he'll call. and if he dosent, i know he still loves me.
I've decided that i should investigate becoming a nun. I know that sounds crazy but i've been saying it for years. i'd be a good nun or monk, or person who helps others. i like it.
it is 11:58.
the following is a list i made over the weekend of things i would like to have in a mate. I've decided that i need a younger guy that i can mold and train. either that or i need an older guy that is not a douche.
compassionate, smart, forgiving, motivated, stable, animal lover, funny, strong, emotionally sound/open, confident, worldly, dominant, honest, educated, thoughtful, clean, spontaneous, literary, gentle, individual, eclectic, driven, understanding, uninhibited, independent, empathetic, intelligent, communicable, monagmous, honorable, respectful, genuine, creative, engaged (not to me, just in life), ethical, happy.
the list could go on. But i had to pay some mind to what was going on in class. I dont think those are too much to ask for though.
it is 12:03 on February, 22 2005. I am now 23 years old.
This weekend was lame. I spent it in class talking about organizational communication. blegh. Uh... other than that i cleaned =) and finally got to finish my laundry!
So I've named the little joey's. One is Gir, and one is Byron. The crazy ass one is Gir.
I'm also getting two girls, one that is a white face blond, and one thats a het. their names are Cala and Aeon. They are both going to be buddies with Carter since he is also a het for WFB. Now that i have all my babies, all i have to do is figure out how to get a website going. I cant believe ive never made a site before. I feel like I should have by now... Ive also got a bunch of other crap to get in order before i "start" my business..... like finding a name..
My mommy is out of town right now.. she has some regional business meetings.
I got a high D on my Cell Structure and Function Exam. It was too long and i freaked out.... the good news is my teacher is letting us make up 10 points on it by redoing our wrong answers. it is the only way i'm passing. i'm dissapointed in myself because i felt like i knew it and i thought i got around an 80. There is nothing more dissapointing than thinking you knew wtf you were doing and finding out you just freakin dont.
I am wondering if my dad is going to call me to wish me happy bday tomorrow. he has this habit of forgetting which day it is, or not calling because he feels bad... we'll see. I think he'll call. and if he dosent, i know he still loves me.
I've decided that i should investigate becoming a nun. I know that sounds crazy but i've been saying it for years. i'd be a good nun or monk, or person who helps others. i like it.
it is 11:58.
the following is a list i made over the weekend of things i would like to have in a mate. I've decided that i need a younger guy that i can mold and train. either that or i need an older guy that is not a douche.
compassionate, smart, forgiving, motivated, stable, animal lover, funny, strong, emotionally sound/open, confident, worldly, dominant, honest, educated, thoughtful, clean, spontaneous, literary, gentle, individual, eclectic, driven, understanding, uninhibited, independent, empathetic, intelligent, communicable, monagmous, honorable, respectful, genuine, creative, engaged (not to me, just in life), ethical, happy.
the list could go on. But i had to pay some mind to what was going on in class. I dont think those are too much to ask for though.
it is 12:03 on February, 22 2005. I am now 23 years old.
You alive?
You seem to be pulling a Paradogmatic-style (tm) journal absence 

even though it's late...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!