::runs like a lil white rabbit:: IM LATE IM LATE! i keep forgetting to update! im sorry kids...
Not that reading my lame journals are the highlights of your days........
current music: Snot
current dress: pjams with a hoodie
current food: burnt waffles oh sweet eggo goodness.
current homework that im ignoring: french & health.
current smell: febreze player thing!
Long update ahead so hold on for the ride!
okay so the week was boring and all that but i was productive and cleaned out most of the fish tank stuff, made a list of all the filter stuff i need to get at the pet store but im not aloud to go spend anything cause i'm broke and have issues waiting for stuff...
apparently my drive to gratify myself through materiealistic stuff is wayyyyyy too high. did i tell you kids i got an ipod even though xmas is right around the corner? my mom smacked me in the head when i told her. =x
so... ive devised a plan to not spend my money if i dont have it.... i have two jars.. ones the play money and ones the house money. in order to help myself save i get to put extra cash in the house jar and watch it grow.. thats for my first house in the next 5 years. the trick is.. im only aloud to put half of what i put in the house jar into the play jar... so if 40 goes into the house jar only 20 goes into the play jar. the play jar is for crap like ipods that i dont fucking NEED! good idea eh? thank you my shrink.. you rock my world.
okay on to the fun events.. Lisa's 21'st White Trash Birthday Bash! (pictures are below bahahah)
First, lisa is my co-worker from Acme. she rocks. everyone hearts her. soo... Victoria the boss lady put together this fabulous outlandish party for her bday.
Weeks and weeks of planning went into this event.. and im not exagerating either. So heres a run down of the special girls day:
I call her at about 11:30 and tell her to be ready with all her clothing, makeup, and stuff for the evening by 12:30...and to wear comfy clothing.
I get there and we raid her closet to find me an outfit for the evening cause we all dressed up nice n i needed a skirt. She's already hungover from the previous evenings festivities so we get her some snacks from UDF (yeah beef jerky!)... she has no idea about anything that's planned.
We get to Tricounty and pull up to lazarus and she just yells WERE GOING TO THE SPA!!!!!!!! and i just giggled and then we went and got manicures, pedicures, and half hour massages =) god i fuckin rule!
after we were done primping and being girly all day it ended up being about 5 before we left the spa.. we didnt really eat all day so we got Wendy's on the way to my house.
Got here and it was already time to go but we smoked a lil bit before we left cause .. well its her b day right!? So, I drop her off at Victoria's house and shes gets ready and i'm ready but i go to the shop cause everyone else is meeting there.
I show up and the guys are still putting the finishing touches on the Lisa Shirts for the bar (ill get to that later)....So everyone shows up and then...
THE STRETCHHHHHHH HUMMER LIMO shows up =) bahah it was awesome! So about 15 of us pile into the Limo and we pull up at Victoria's place..
we honk..
we jump out and scream our heads off at the window...
and lisa looks out and screams... their's a video of it that Victoria has that im dying to see ehhehe....
So shes amazed and thrilled and runs down stairs and we all hug her n stuff.. i had pictures but they didnt turn out. ..
she gets in the limo and we go to the bars... get to Bar Louie and get seated and about 25 minutes after we get there we get our first round... and right before we toast lisa Victoria tells us all to get in for a picture and that was our cue to stand up and take our shirts off, revealing everyone wearing white Tshirts with different pictures of Lisa on them with funny sayings like "have you seen me? ,,, Without a drink?" bahhaha she was sooo red!!!! it was wonderful!
::deep breath:: soooo after that we all go to the German place that starts with an H that i cant spell and its sooo packed we decide to leave and go to another place but before we dooo... Alex my other co worker takes me out to the front floor by the band and swing dances with me!!! WE HAD A CIRCLE OF PEOPLE WATCHING!! it was fuckin AWESOME!!!! that swinging stuff is HARD! but alex rocks and he just tossed me around the floor and showed people how u do it! he rules!
ok so we go to another bar tahts a gay absynth bar and no matter where we fuckin go I can not get a car bomb cause their either out of beer or dont serve them cause they suck and people projectile vomit when they drink them or whatever but i cant get drunk cause .. yeah. I JUST WANTED A FUCKIN CAR BOMB MAN!?!??!
So were there for a while and sing a rousing version of happy birthday all lounged out by the Boss Cannon and Alex.. god their funny.
Afterrr that we all left and went back to Lisa's house..
She didnt know we all had our cars there but we blind folded her on the way....
So we pull up and Lisa stays in the limo until we all get out and run up to the house.. i quiet everyone down and she steps out and they lead her to where she can see... as they take the blindfold off her eyes theres about 70 or so people there all standing outside or in windows of the house by all these tiki torches, or by the HUGEEEE BOUNCY THING!!! screaming happy birthday to her...
she just starts balling.... she cried for about 20 minutes. i love her and im so happy she had such a great time.
We bounced the night away and she didnt even have a bad hangover today!
someday i hope someone cares enough about me to do something wonderful and spectacular like that. but not so big...i cant handle that much. shit.. just have some drinks with me at the bar for my b day.. that would make me happy... and make it a bar i can get drunk and shake it at... ::shakes it:: come on.. if i got the booty let me at least use it every once in a while!!!! tehehe
okay... and now that ive procrastinated for the past hour im going to go a head and crash... everyone im sorry i cant find enough time in the day to read your journals lately.. i do want too!! and i will try to catch up with everyone over turkey murder day! ::shaprens butcher knife:: i smell somethin in the kitchen!
Okay it wont let me add the images but their in my folder hehe
Ignore link below.. its my homework teheh
Not that reading my lame journals are the highlights of your days........
current music: Snot
current dress: pjams with a hoodie
current food: burnt waffles oh sweet eggo goodness.
current homework that im ignoring: french & health.
current smell: febreze player thing!
Long update ahead so hold on for the ride!
okay so the week was boring and all that but i was productive and cleaned out most of the fish tank stuff, made a list of all the filter stuff i need to get at the pet store but im not aloud to go spend anything cause i'm broke and have issues waiting for stuff...
apparently my drive to gratify myself through materiealistic stuff is wayyyyyy too high. did i tell you kids i got an ipod even though xmas is right around the corner? my mom smacked me in the head when i told her. =x
so... ive devised a plan to not spend my money if i dont have it.... i have two jars.. ones the play money and ones the house money. in order to help myself save i get to put extra cash in the house jar and watch it grow.. thats for my first house in the next 5 years. the trick is.. im only aloud to put half of what i put in the house jar into the play jar... so if 40 goes into the house jar only 20 goes into the play jar. the play jar is for crap like ipods that i dont fucking NEED! good idea eh? thank you my shrink.. you rock my world.
okay on to the fun events.. Lisa's 21'st White Trash Birthday Bash! (pictures are below bahahah)
First, lisa is my co-worker from Acme. she rocks. everyone hearts her. soo... Victoria the boss lady put together this fabulous outlandish party for her bday.
Weeks and weeks of planning went into this event.. and im not exagerating either. So heres a run down of the special girls day:
I call her at about 11:30 and tell her to be ready with all her clothing, makeup, and stuff for the evening by 12:30...and to wear comfy clothing.
I get there and we raid her closet to find me an outfit for the evening cause we all dressed up nice n i needed a skirt. She's already hungover from the previous evenings festivities so we get her some snacks from UDF (yeah beef jerky!)... she has no idea about anything that's planned.
We get to Tricounty and pull up to lazarus and she just yells WERE GOING TO THE SPA!!!!!!!! and i just giggled and then we went and got manicures, pedicures, and half hour massages =) god i fuckin rule!
after we were done primping and being girly all day it ended up being about 5 before we left the spa.. we didnt really eat all day so we got Wendy's on the way to my house.
Got here and it was already time to go but we smoked a lil bit before we left cause .. well its her b day right!? So, I drop her off at Victoria's house and shes gets ready and i'm ready but i go to the shop cause everyone else is meeting there.
I show up and the guys are still putting the finishing touches on the Lisa Shirts for the bar (ill get to that later)....So everyone shows up and then...
THE STRETCHHHHHHH HUMMER LIMO shows up =) bahah it was awesome! So about 15 of us pile into the Limo and we pull up at Victoria's place..
we honk..
we jump out and scream our heads off at the window...
and lisa looks out and screams... their's a video of it that Victoria has that im dying to see ehhehe....
So shes amazed and thrilled and runs down stairs and we all hug her n stuff.. i had pictures but they didnt turn out. ..
she gets in the limo and we go to the bars... get to Bar Louie and get seated and about 25 minutes after we get there we get our first round... and right before we toast lisa Victoria tells us all to get in for a picture and that was our cue to stand up and take our shirts off, revealing everyone wearing white Tshirts with different pictures of Lisa on them with funny sayings like "have you seen me? ,,, Without a drink?" bahhaha she was sooo red!!!! it was wonderful!
::deep breath:: soooo after that we all go to the German place that starts with an H that i cant spell and its sooo packed we decide to leave and go to another place but before we dooo... Alex my other co worker takes me out to the front floor by the band and swing dances with me!!! WE HAD A CIRCLE OF PEOPLE WATCHING!! it was fuckin AWESOME!!!! that swinging stuff is HARD! but alex rocks and he just tossed me around the floor and showed people how u do it! he rules!
ok so we go to another bar tahts a gay absynth bar and no matter where we fuckin go I can not get a car bomb cause their either out of beer or dont serve them cause they suck and people projectile vomit when they drink them or whatever but i cant get drunk cause .. yeah. I JUST WANTED A FUCKIN CAR BOMB MAN!?!??!
So were there for a while and sing a rousing version of happy birthday all lounged out by the Boss Cannon and Alex.. god their funny.
Afterrr that we all left and went back to Lisa's house..
She didnt know we all had our cars there but we blind folded her on the way....
So we pull up and Lisa stays in the limo until we all get out and run up to the house.. i quiet everyone down and she steps out and they lead her to where she can see... as they take the blindfold off her eyes theres about 70 or so people there all standing outside or in windows of the house by all these tiki torches, or by the HUGEEEE BOUNCY THING!!! screaming happy birthday to her...
she just starts balling.... she cried for about 20 minutes. i love her and im so happy she had such a great time.
We bounced the night away and she didnt even have a bad hangover today!
someday i hope someone cares enough about me to do something wonderful and spectacular like that. but not so big...i cant handle that much. shit.. just have some drinks with me at the bar for my b day.. that would make me happy... and make it a bar i can get drunk and shake it at... ::shakes it:: come on.. if i got the booty let me at least use it every once in a while!!!! tehehe
okay... and now that ive procrastinated for the past hour im going to go a head and crash... everyone im sorry i cant find enough time in the day to read your journals lately.. i do want too!! and i will try to catch up with everyone over turkey murder day! ::shaprens butcher knife:: i smell somethin in the kitchen!
Okay it wont let me add the images but their in my folder hehe
Ignore link below.. its my homework teheh
So how you doing? haven't said Hi lately
ps. i think you and i could go toe to toe as far as spending goes. in the 3 short months since i moved to colorado, i have been on an unbridled spending spree. only a miracle can save me now...