oh i'm snotty oh so snotty.. not in a stuck up way kid.. in a boogery way. eww! i feel icky oh so sicky and i just want to dieeee!! maybe if i was stoned i wouldnt feel so icky.... i have 2 boxes of tissues by me.. and a pile of em on the floor... eww
uhh... i went looking for a house today.. in the same area im in right now... i want a cheap, small fixeruper... so i can make a room for the kids... and have a low monthly payment.. and play my fuckin music as loud as i damn well please. i cant buy a house right now but its always fun to look. all the ones i looked at were like 114-116k..2-3 bedrooms mostly.. way cute.. yards.. all had potential but needed a hug... theres one 2 streets over from my place right now thats nice. im gonna call the realitor and ask him to check em out for me.. hes cool like that. hes my moms boyfriends son and my mom just got a house from him so i can ask for gay shit like that right now.
i think i bombed my statistics exam...can we all tell i give a crap? for taking 22 credit hours i really dont think i care about half these classes..which is pretty bad. im about to have my first exam in french on friday.. i think ill do well.. i love my teacher she rocks.. stats i think i did ok.. genetics is ok.. i think ill end up muddling through with like a c or b... french i think ill get a b. stats i think ill get a c or b.. my 2 health classes i should get a's in.. art class ill get an a. i love that class..
i started trying to make my class list for next quarter.. theres a few conflicts i dunno how im going to resolve. 2 classes i need, both offered same time.. only once in the year... i think im going to have to substitute something.. we'll see.
i still dunno what i wanna be for halloween. i hope i think of somethin good..i hope i have fun at this party...im sure i will.
i have perma cotton mouth from being sick.. my throat is scratchy and icky.. blegh!
i guess im going to watch a movie.. yay disney...
ps: happy sweetest day...if you give a fuck about stupid holidays that are made up by card companies to get rid of over stock. .....i got myself a rose.
uhh... i went looking for a house today.. in the same area im in right now... i want a cheap, small fixeruper... so i can make a room for the kids... and have a low monthly payment.. and play my fuckin music as loud as i damn well please. i cant buy a house right now but its always fun to look. all the ones i looked at were like 114-116k..2-3 bedrooms mostly.. way cute.. yards.. all had potential but needed a hug... theres one 2 streets over from my place right now thats nice. im gonna call the realitor and ask him to check em out for me.. hes cool like that. hes my moms boyfriends son and my mom just got a house from him so i can ask for gay shit like that right now.
i think i bombed my statistics exam...can we all tell i give a crap? for taking 22 credit hours i really dont think i care about half these classes..which is pretty bad. im about to have my first exam in french on friday.. i think ill do well.. i love my teacher she rocks.. stats i think i did ok.. genetics is ok.. i think ill end up muddling through with like a c or b... french i think ill get a b. stats i think ill get a c or b.. my 2 health classes i should get a's in.. art class ill get an a. i love that class..
i started trying to make my class list for next quarter.. theres a few conflicts i dunno how im going to resolve. 2 classes i need, both offered same time.. only once in the year... i think im going to have to substitute something.. we'll see.
i still dunno what i wanna be for halloween. i hope i think of somethin good..i hope i have fun at this party...im sure i will.
i have perma cotton mouth from being sick.. my throat is scratchy and icky.. blegh!
i guess im going to watch a movie.. yay disney...
ps: happy sweetest day...if you give a fuck about stupid holidays that are made up by card companies to get rid of over stock. .....i got myself a rose.

i hope you can soon become a homeowner, is that right?
halloween for myself is a mexican wrestler or a ghostbuster, which is good because it is different than my last 5 years as one of 4 marx brothers.
my girlfriend and i just bought a house. it's something you should really look into. we didn't think we could afford it, but it's really not much more then what we'd be paying in rent.