SHHHHH!!! be very quiet.... i'm hunting boys..... er... rabbits.. right? something like that... ........FUCK! HE SHOT ME!
so its like 10:30 and i have a social psych exam tomorrow which i have done SHIT for...and ..i really dont give a poo..
ill still pass the class... like gas? eww sorry.
Current Music: Ricky Fante, Rewind....music to get laid too... R&B...sounds like old school stuff... i heart it. thank god i work for Acme where Cannon can influence my musical taste.
So i did my second piercing yesterday... it was a lip on some random kid that heard that i was apprenticing. hehehe marking, penningtons, piercing, everything went perfect until the jewlery came..but you know that is the hard part. i lost contact cause I was afraid the needle would slip out so i pinched it inbetween my fingers and accidently pulled it out before i got the jewlery to push it out =(
this kid was a fuckin trooper though...and he had big balls.. this was his first piercing and he let some inexperienced kid do it... he got a lil woosy so we gave him a popsicle before i pierced him again... i was going to do the transfer but ehh! i was too nervous and shaken already heheh Cannon ended up doing it for me, the kid was awesome, and I paid for his jewlery for him cause i hurt him hehe..
Cannon said it was prolly better i lost contact before i had a few more piercings under my belt cause then it really knocks your confidence down.. i knew it was going to happen sooner or later but damn.. why wasnt it on someone i work with instead of a client? poo.
::sniff sniff:: runny nose... eek....
OH I GET TO GO PICK UP MY KID TODAY!! WHOO!! i'm excited can you tell?! the drive is going to be good and hes going to be adorable and get along great with my kids! i hope...
i had all of them out last night and they were running around like crazy jumping from the curtians to me... carter jumped on my face and just about pierced my lip for me hehe silly kid..
well i need to get my ass into study mode for the next few hours so i at least read the chapters before the exam..
i hope everyone's week is going well...