this is me after a full day at school... 9:30-9:30. i look sleepy.. i could nap right now but i should write my genetics lab report which is going to suck ars...
im still productive though... got my loan paperwork in, paid my bills, got more veggies etc, finished french homework, took out the garbage, fed the kids, did quick research for an health paper on prostitution...i have to give the pro side to it hehe bahaha thats going to be silly..
um.. also get to turn in the psych papers tomorrow.
::deep breath::
im doing an okay job at not freaking the fuck out about everything.. i did have a minor breakdown today and i called my mommy to have her tell me i can do this again...22 credit hours is going to kill me but i can do it 3 times in a row right? ok..
just talk yourself into it.
as long as i dont think about my debut i can usually fend off the stress.
im slightly annoyed with my work situation again...everyones training the other kid but not me. i dont like to bug people about training me. i feel like they should just do it. i shouldnt have to get on their ass to teach me stuff....fuck it. it hurts my feelings that hes being trained and not me. i feel forgotten.

my kids are adorable... i keep wanting to take them to school with me so i can play with them more but i can just see lulu flipping out in the middle of class and crabbing non stop...that'd go over well in my 400 student genetics class...
okay id like to keep rambling about nothing but i cant because my bed is seducing me...my sheets call my name and want to envelope me in a sleepy coma...
sorry if im slow at replying back to comments..my plate is full right now but i cant find time to eat.
danke. I'm excited it went up today, this set means a lot to me.
you should get your ass down here soon