Strange dreams again last night This time I was being chased by a bunch of people. Some I knew some I didnt. I forget what about but they ended up catching me and they were going to kill me. They had built this impenetrable wall (which wasnt really that hard to break in or out of..) well it was a coliseum. The initial plan to dispose of me involved a lion, tiger, and the tigers cub. I was going to be put in this pit and the tiger would tear my limbs off. I was in there and the tiger came out and smelled me and somehow I got the tiger to like me instead of think of me as breakfast. And I found a way for the tiger out so it could escape.the guys came up with a second plan.. (there were three men who had to dispose of me..) Inside the coliseum was a pyre with sticks for me to stand on so they could burn me alive. For about to be burned at the steak I was pretty calm. They instructed me to stand on these things while they strapped my feet in. In the midst of me about to be burned a crowd gathered to watch and a riot ensued. It gave me enough time to somehow get out of the restraints and get out how the tiger got out. I ran past some stores, and houses, into a warehouse/gas station. I asked the attendant if I could use their bathroom to hide. The three guys came and found me in my head I had formulated a plan to get them off my tail long enough to escape a good distance..
I asked the lady if she would let me borrow their bathrooms (there was a hall of small rooms with locks on the doors) to give the guys that were going to kill me a blowjob. They showed up and I told them I wanted to get them off so they were dumb and said okay.. well I took them each in a separate room and I had purchased a tool kit from the store. In each of my pockets and stashed in my pants I had some screwdrivers and Allen wrenches. As the guys prepared to receive my gift, I stabbed each of them enough to immobilize them so I could knock them out and tie them up then lock them in the bathrooms.
I ran away again and there were some ghosts following meit turned into this pseudo Halloween nightmare..Exept nothing was scary. The ghosts told me where to hide and then my phone rang and I woke up.
I have strange dreams hua? Hehe
Okay its almost 1 and I need to keep doing some homework.. need to read chapter 3 in genetics and begin another paper for social psych. Boring eh?
oh, thank you 

Fuck. Its bad enough with just health. Ha I dont need international health