bahhah crazy morning hair! i had to take a picture... when i looked in the mirrior i looked like crazy girl!
lets seee....i started school... i'm excited! genetics is going to be really interesting! everyone says its really difficult. we'll see.
my french teacher kicks le ass... shes really nice and offered to get me a french tutor for free! we'll see how that goes.
um.. i skipped my fine arts class hehe i took the wrong bus across campus and ended up at a satelite campus instead =) i fuckin rock!
uhh... what else....? its thursday.. cleaning day because i have no school so i'm going all crazy with my bleach again. must get dust bunnies.. must disinfect...
my mom isnt talking to be cause of my tattoos...they've also locked me out of their house. i thought that was nice this morning. terds.
i think i surprised jeremiah cause i didnt call him freaking out cause he didnt call me yet. he called last night around 12ish. =) i told him im not going to do that crazy girl thing. i know hes got 9000 things going on and i dont want to add more stress to his life. if anything id like to be that person that he can just relax around and forget everything.
...hes awesome

one: he just got out of a year and a half long relationship, and before that he was with his babys momma for 8 years..
two: i have a year of school left
three: um... ok i guess its just 1 & 2.
but anyway, i cant make anyone fall in love with me or be ready to be in a relationship so only time will tell.
i'm a smart cookie hua?

ummmm...okay! its time to get cleaning! i gotta check on the laundry, clean the kitchen up cause its ... kinda messy, clean the front room cause my gliders have been having a ball at night when i let them out... they leave me ltitle presents heheheh its a good thing they dont stink cause i love them!.. and i need to clean the kitty poo, put sheets on my bed, do the dishes, clean the glider cage, print out stuff for school,.... i think thats it.
oh and rent a steam cleaner for my apt and for the shop. i get to steam clean the carpets and our couch. some fuckin kids got apple juice all over it! ... bastards.
everyoneee.... have a good day! and... ::shake it::

you're welcome.
thanks for the birthday wish, pretty lady.