earllyyyy going to do the house inspection on the new property. mustttt getttt cofffeeeeeeeee

learned a lot about house inspections.. houses, structural stuff, it was quite informative although i am very tired now.
got the gliders in my lap, there sleeping... so cute
gotta go to work in about an hour and i still need to take a shower..
im a dirty girl.
ummm... theres a car alarm going off... it makes me mad.
yeahhhhhh.....i need a nap.
hope everyones day is going well
after work
this short hair thing is making my head itch. i dont like it. well i like it but i dont like the itchy thing going on.
work was... normal. i was productive and ordered my text books for genetics, math, and psychology as well as balanced my check book, paid my bills, finished dealing with part of my financial aid crap, and i even had time to sit and work on my indent in the couch.
i hate being slow at work.
i just wrote a bunch more stuff but after i read it over it was useless complaints so instead of being a whiney bitch im going to list 10 things i am thankful for...
the ability to manage my finances with little or no help from my mom and dad
that i care for all my lil fuzzies and i'm a good mommy
that i have made good choices regarding my sex life (or lack there of currently) and that i have always stuck to my guns about what i want in a relationship and friendships.
that i am aware that in the past two years i let myself be dumped on a lot and lied too because i was lonely
that i am learning to cope with being alone a lot and i'm not insane yet
that i have a good resources for new music which always makes me happy.
that i am working at a shop with tons of people who care about me and who i care about and not having to pay someone to apprentice me.
that i have good friends that dont live near me that i can go visit when live gets too hellish here.
that i am strong and patient enough to deal with my familys ignorance and immaturity so that i can educate them on not being so closeminded and can salvage some sort of f-ed up relationship with them.
that i got to know my grandpa a little better before he passed away and that i knew before i left that i wouldnt see him again so i could say goodbye
and one more for good measure
i am thankful that i have had all these experiences in my life because they make me who i am.
I'm having lunch with just him tomorrow. Should be a good time. I work for pretty solid people.