bahah im at work...picture was while i was driving to my mommys work. she and I had lunch this afternoon.
were quite slow today. its the day of the geeks. people who take their jewlery out too early, F-up their piercings, then want us to explain why and fix it.
its "yo i lost my ball" day... FUCKIN CHECK YOUR BALLS DAMNIT!
speaking of balls...so when is the collective male population going to grow some and you know, do something with themselves? all my guy friends are so fuckin content being bastardous fuck ups.. okay there not all like that and im not being fair to the rest of the male species but damnit! why isnt there any guys around here that dont blow ass? none of them are assertive, interesting, driven, smart, or hot without having "cocky asshole syndrome" or my fav, the "hi, i'm a whore and im going to fuck your friends behind your back while telling you how special you are" disease..
okay so i'm having a bitter day. maybe it has something to do with being lied to a lot and not getting laid in over 2 years?
i shouldnt complain about the getting laid thing. i could if i wanted too that badly, i just wont until i find the right person. im just not one of those kids that can just fuck someone to fuck someone. god knows some days i wish i was (today being one of them) but i dont think i could...
brb gotta stretch a retards ears open
yeah that went smoothly. he was quite stoned. i dont think he felt a damn thing.
well i was ranting about boys or something but...ya know..time will fix, heal, and time will bring me someone that dosent suck.
::later:: finished paying bills.... well cept the electric/gas, and dish network.... i think thats it. oh shit and my car payment.....well i cant complain. i'm lucky. now its time to watch a movie!
yeah... i love Big. i love old movies. i'm a total dork.

youll meet someone right for you when you least expect it.
hope yer day gets better
Just look at the soopr short hair hotness going on...!!!
Well, fuck, I'll do ya