oh oh oh! i got the killers cd! i like it so far.. still rockin out to HA. my cat is eating a sausage baheheah
Carter my lil boy glider went for a lil adventure this morning.. he came with me to the coffee house, to the party source, and best buy.
and he is SO CUTE!
my nose is runny..::sniff:: and my septum is a lil funky smelling today. i hate that.
lets see...i have to work at 4... gotta pick lil sister up at 2:30.. she just wants me to come get her cause of my car.. what a poop.
okay im going to go make lunch.
OH YEAH! i got big and down with love on dvd

did i mention how FUCKING HOT bettina is?

edit:i love sugar glider crabby noises. skooter used to crab at me all the time.
[Edited on Sep 01, 2004 3:41AM]