bah.. so i think i blew up my computer last night. i had too many appliances running at once. now the puter wont turn on, the ac unit in my bedroom wont either... and theres no power.
i flipped the breakers this morning again to see if that helped so ill check it when i get home tonight and hope for the best.
i'm at work right now just sitting here. nothing too special going on....
::that night::
yeah i just didnt trip all the breaker thingies the other night
theres one extra reason I'm "special"
So work was fun...Cannon and I kicked ass by ourselves.. i did a bunch of installations.. um.. he did like 7 minor piercings.. it was a kid day anyway..
currently i am adding to my computer jukebox....what would we do without stuff like this?? I NEED MUSIC PEOPLE... it pulses through my veins like blood and ...yeah...
well the kids are up... GOD THERE CUTE! i was taking pictuers when my camera died. darnit! One of the kids is a camera hog.. i got some serious glider close ups though! Sugar in yo face!
there great..and they love their wheel. silly kids.
uhrrr.... i need to write out a resumee again. i need a job where i dont have to deal with peoples drama. I want to work with animals...cause there not mean, they dont talk back, the worst thing there prolly going to do is pee on you if you wont put them down when they have to go... and there cute and fuzzy, and there better than people.
Okay i'm going to take more pictures of my kids now. I'll post soon i think
i flipped the breakers this morning again to see if that helped so ill check it when i get home tonight and hope for the best.
i'm at work right now just sitting here. nothing too special going on....
::that night::
yeah i just didnt trip all the breaker thingies the other night

So work was fun...Cannon and I kicked ass by ourselves.. i did a bunch of installations.. um.. he did like 7 minor piercings.. it was a kid day anyway..
currently i am adding to my computer jukebox....what would we do without stuff like this?? I NEED MUSIC PEOPLE... it pulses through my veins like blood and ...yeah...
well the kids are up... GOD THERE CUTE! i was taking pictuers when my camera died. darnit! One of the kids is a camera hog.. i got some serious glider close ups though! Sugar in yo face!
there great..and they love their wheel. silly kids.
uhrrr.... i need to write out a resumee again. i need a job where i dont have to deal with peoples drama. I want to work with animals...cause there not mean, they dont talk back, the worst thing there prolly going to do is pee on you if you wont put them down when they have to go... and there cute and fuzzy, and there better than people.

Call me if you need help. I fix those 'puders for a livin'