dumdiedum.... i think thats my opening line when i cant think of anything more productive to say.
so i was correct in my assumption that the guy likes me and not my buddy lisa. she told me she likes him so hes off limits. i dunno what to do... i dont know if i should tell lisa that i think he likes me, or if i should just tell the kid that hes off limits to me cause lisa likes him. i told him lisa likes him... i feel guilty though cause i kinda like him.. even though i know now that it would never work out.... so i think im just going to tell him hes off limits heheh he is hot though.
it is veryyy nice out today... and yesterday for that matter. too bad ill be stuck in class all day again. the good news is this class is freakin cake.
um...lets see.... my plants look wonderful. the birds i keep feeding outside are awesome. its going to be an expensive habit though cause they go through a feeder tube or two a day. bird seed aint cheep!
plus i think im feeding the squirrles too. which i dont mind hehe
uhhh... i wrote an email to a friend who is not speaking to me... he hates me now for some reason but he wasnt a very good friend anyway. this is the guy that never called me back.. yeah its the same one i always write about. anyway, i still dont know why he just quit calling me back which irks me, but i cant sit here and worry about that when its not even worth it in the first place. it makes me sad that people are unreliable though.
lets see... oh yeah! i got my lip double pierced! it fuckin hurts like hell! im all bruised.. ill have to update with a picture too... hm... yeah it hurts. but its almost over the nasty swelling part. getting that pierced helped me decide to NEVER get my tongue vipers... that would just hurt too bad.
okay i have to run to class now...
And hrm in guy territory - can't ever be simple eh?