BAHAHHAHAHHA evillll carrr... heeh
i just made myself the meanest white russian i think ive ever had.. =) yay i'm proud! its a good thing its good too cause it took me like 5 minutes to get the Vodka open. fuckin sky bastards making it hard to get drunk.
dumdiedum...work was splendid today as usual..although i think they should let me learn more stuff...but hey, i cant pressure them or anything. they (mom and dad hehe) have a lot of shit on their minds right now with the tattoo shop upstairs n stuff..
i need more ice in my WR. i only have Disney ice... so it dosent water it down or anything...which might be a draw back. we'll see. i was going to ask PCost if he would switch me shifts tomorrow and work a close but ....he never checks his phone! so i guess thats out.
oh well. um.. i think 'll watch a movie... and pretend i have a lover.. whos going to come and whisk me away and lay me down on a big fluffy bed and do naughty things to me.. lol
its been two years and some days since i got laid.. im entitled to absurd dreams at this point.
oh yeah and can i just say how HOT the SG's are? maybe they can come do naughty things to me.... well only a select few

So you like the Scions? We really don't have them up here yet in snowy Canada.