oh for the love of christ.... i drank tooooo much coffeeeee... two cups and i go into convultions... um...
so when im this caffinated i go on a cleaning spree... the new vaccume has now seen every corner of my apt. there are no remaining dust bunnies... dirt, kitty litter, .. hair.. etc.. its all in the garbage. i have a list of chores to do today and i better get on em while im still wired.
get the wiring in my car fixed...
go to the dealership and complain about the plastic thast keeps coming down
get new fish gravel and clean the tank
draw out my apt diagram for Mike to do some fungsheuiiii crap stuff
get a compas
fiill out two test form thingies.. to see if im bi polar..
pay some bills
deopsit some monies...
um... get mre cat litter
maybe i should print this out.. i cant keep anything in my ehad..
i need milk too
wow i need to eat or imma be nuts and feelin funky later heahha
um. ok...
get organized...
:later: yes i did end up having too much coffee..but i did get a ton done..well cleaning wise. i flaked out on most of the other stuff that required sitting down. i did clean my fish tank though and got this spiffy little vase thingy that looks all antique for the tank. the fish havnt figured out you can go inside it yet heh there silly...
ate dinner with mom and mary.. we talked about when my rents for divorced.. my mom was drilling me to see if i remember anything about what happened before we moved out. theres some crazy stuff that i didnt know about that happened...but we also talked about all the fun goofy stuff from when we were little.
Mary was telling me how she remembered me pretending that i had a secret admirer...
she said i would "wake up from a nap" and call for her to come in my room.. and there would be a pink note in my window between the glass and the screen...."mary come look at thiss!! its a love note!" god i must have been desperate....i dont remember doing this but mary said it made her jealous and she wanted a secret admirer so badly... wow i must have been a silly kid.
she also told me how we made a pully system when we slept in the same room.. i tied some stuff together and made it so we had a white basket that had hearts on it that would go between our beds and we could put crap in it and pass it back and forth. my mom told me i tied stuff together all the time. she said she would find strings tied to doorways, so the door would stay shut or i would know when it was opened...trap doors. heheh
i wish i was still little =)
okay time to watch harry potter two! i watched the first one the other night so i need to watch #2 before i go see the third soon...
BAHAHAH! fun thing to do.. search your name on Google and see what images come up...
yay! heres what comes up as my name! I kept it animal themed eahhah


so when im this caffinated i go on a cleaning spree... the new vaccume has now seen every corner of my apt. there are no remaining dust bunnies... dirt, kitty litter, .. hair.. etc.. its all in the garbage. i have a list of chores to do today and i better get on em while im still wired.
get the wiring in my car fixed...
go to the dealership and complain about the plastic thast keeps coming down
get new fish gravel and clean the tank
draw out my apt diagram for Mike to do some fungsheuiiii crap stuff
get a compas
fiill out two test form thingies.. to see if im bi polar..
pay some bills
deopsit some monies...
um... get mre cat litter
maybe i should print this out.. i cant keep anything in my ehad..
i need milk too
wow i need to eat or imma be nuts and feelin funky later heahha
um. ok...
get organized...
:later: yes i did end up having too much coffee..but i did get a ton done..well cleaning wise. i flaked out on most of the other stuff that required sitting down. i did clean my fish tank though and got this spiffy little vase thingy that looks all antique for the tank. the fish havnt figured out you can go inside it yet heh there silly...
ate dinner with mom and mary.. we talked about when my rents for divorced.. my mom was drilling me to see if i remember anything about what happened before we moved out. theres some crazy stuff that i didnt know about that happened...but we also talked about all the fun goofy stuff from when we were little.
Mary was telling me how she remembered me pretending that i had a secret admirer...
she said i would "wake up from a nap" and call for her to come in my room.. and there would be a pink note in my window between the glass and the screen...."mary come look at thiss!! its a love note!" god i must have been desperate....i dont remember doing this but mary said it made her jealous and she wanted a secret admirer so badly... wow i must have been a silly kid.
she also told me how we made a pully system when we slept in the same room.. i tied some stuff together and made it so we had a white basket that had hearts on it that would go between our beds and we could put crap in it and pass it back and forth. my mom told me i tied stuff together all the time. she said she would find strings tied to doorways, so the door would stay shut or i would know when it was opened...trap doors. heheh
i wish i was still little =)
okay time to watch harry potter two! i watched the first one the other night so i need to watch #2 before i go see the third soon...

BAHAHAH! fun thing to do.. search your name on Google and see what images come up...
yay! heres what comes up as my name! I kept it animal themed eahhah

My ex was bi-polar, so I know the signs.
I'm supprised your shrink didn't diagnose it. Did he/she ever mention it as a possibility?