I hate my landlord.

The roof has been leaking for fuckingever and then the hurricane came and blew tiles off the roof, making the leak worse. Finally, he says hes going to stop band-aid patching it and do it right....until the repair guys give him a quote. So we're back to a band-aid patch until it wears down and starts leaking again.

Worse yet, he...
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You should tell him you are going to with hold your rent, as a non working shower and leaking roof border on non livable conditions. Fuck that dude, i hate slumlords. My 1st apt downtown i rented from the king of the slumlords, unbeknownst to us at the time. When i told people who i rented from they bowed their heads and just muttered "oh... wow. sorry to hear that".

Vacation starts tomorrow (although its not much of one)

God I'll be glad to get away. I came so close to stabbing someone in the skull and getting my caramel brown ass fired today...numerous times.
Your comment made me smile really big. :] Thanks for sharing that quote as well. I like it a lot.
I asked.

She said "yes".
haha i was joking of course. we have now entered tmi areas.eeek LOL
I understand that scissors can beat paper. And I get how rock can beat scissors. But, there's no way paper can beat rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around rock leaving it immobile? Why can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why cant paper do this to PEOPLE? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to...
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Apply for a job at Hipster (or refer a friend) and get:
A years supply of PBR
A fixed gear bicycle
A hipster wardrobe


This makes me LOL so hard.
Songs I cant help but be addicted to: http://graveshow.com/blog/ . I'm ashamed of myself. Srsly.
RIP. I used to love the WWF. I think my favorite was Bret the Hitman Heart.

Stuntbutt didn't write it.

Neither did I. I wouldnt have the guts. For reasons that are apparent only if you read it.

And if you understand.


Spent my time reading this thinking combinations of:

  • Oh yeah and what about when (insert experience here happens

  • Wow...I figured that was just MY mutant life

  • Yeah...I feel the same, but would have gone to my grave never...
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If you fuck with the US, we will find you, whether it takes days, weeks, months or ten years. We will find you. And we will put your ass in the dirt.

Believe that.
or we will find out you died, then fake a military attack on a location you might have been in, then doctor pictures on the internet and make up some hard to believe story about where your body was dumped and why.

or something.
Just dawned on me.

4 months and 10 days since I quit smoking.

Go me.


On a side note, I think the girl that works near me just farted.

I can't be sure.

A faint but very fart like noise came from her general direction, and no one else is in that area at the moment.

Of course, upon hearing it, I stayed, head...
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You should have audibly sniffed the air, then said... Man, did someone spray something in here, it smells AMAZING! What IS that smell and where did it come from i wonder??!"
They say that in academia its "Publish or Die" (OK OK its actually 'publish or perish' but 'perish' seems so staid and bland, doesn't it?)...because if you're not further publishing work, then your perceived value as an educator plummets....

At the company I work for, its "appear to publish or we'll say you suck at life even if you find the cure for cancer".

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You've reached the corporate threshold my friend. Good luck, do what you gotta do -but also that you can live with yourself after.

I dont miss it, not at all. Its fine to expect your employees to be superlative, but they go so far with it, its really honestly laughable.

I'm old.
Not old...just seasoned!
Happens to the best of us tongue But I'm going to be the coolest old man. I'm going to have a hover board and a Playstation 15 and everything.