Saturday Apr 24, 2004 Apr 24, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email "Who's house? Run's house! Say what?" VIEW 12 of 12 COMMENTS smuffy: *burp* Hehe yeah it took me like two hours to type all those answers. But I asked for it. Did you actually read it all? Because if you did that would be cool seeing as how I always come here to read your one-liners and/or pictures. *pounce* Apr 25, 2004 burstandbloom: youre just like Radio Raheem in "Do the RIght Thing" Apr 25, 2004
Hehe yeah it took me like two hours to type all those answers. But I asked for it. Did you actually read it all? Because if you did that would be cool seeing as how I always come here to read your one-liners and/or pictures.