So once again, I wasted my friday night at a bar, You ever get those days where you feel completely alone in a room full of people? Welcome to my life.
I hate the place that I live, and I want to move, It is seriously making me depressed. Most of my friends moved away and I barely talk to the ones that I still have.
Everybody here is stuck up and cares way too much about the kind of car you drive and shit like that. But my job is here and if I move I have to find another one.
Now, I'm not a big fan of looking for jobs, It down right fucking sucks and I looked for 6 months just to find this one

So, fuck it. I'm kinda drunk and I'm a little pissed off so thanks for reading my shit.

And another thing, what are the politics of this site that are bothering you? It bothers me that i do not have Ash and Crimson suckling my titties right now, but you don't see me pooping out on the debate team!!!
*dude whatever*
Ok to answer your post ... yes, the girls have several options for reading journals but none of them seem to work, lol. I had mine set to where only gilrs and friends could view my journal entries but everyone can still read it anyways. lol!