New profile pic courtesy of Layla Aren't I a sexy bitch!
I finished a little more of the Vagrant Radio website, take a look HERE and tell me what you think. The stream isn't up at this time, but feel free to preview what I've got so far.
P.S. Not to be rude, but if out of the blue you send me a friend invitation, and I have no idea who you are, odds are I will reject it. I am not in the buisiness of collecting friends, I like the ones I have now.
I finished a little more of the Vagrant Radio website, take a look HERE and tell me what you think. The stream isn't up at this time, but feel free to preview what I've got so far.
P.S. Not to be rude, but if out of the blue you send me a friend invitation, and I have no idea who you are, odds are I will reject it. I am not in the buisiness of collecting friends, I like the ones I have now.

Where is my green body paint!!!!
nevermind. go post credit--i didn't b/c i wasn't sure if u made it.