been busy the past couple of weeks, between making f/x appliances for an upcomming movie ::cough Dead Rabbits cough, cough :: looking for a job out in LA. and playing in a band. Seems like i havent had any down time....but this weekend looks promising. Beth is flying in from San D. to come see me. So looks like i get to relax a bit...although last time she was here she didnt like my room...she said between the huge chainsaw near my amp or all the masks and horror posters i have on my wall, she just wanted to keep here eyes closed the entire time...........ahhhh if only i could find a girl who has the same intrests as me. Well ghouls and goblins......consider this my update.....and remember, always keep gas in the chainsaw.
P.S. Read Rue Morgue!
P.S. Read Rue Morgue!

Hey I could totally use your talents for some work I would like to do! I have no money to pay you
but would love to give you duplicate prints of everything I shoot!

Thanks for the HB wishes my man!